Hi Tony,
Thanks for the email..Since you did this protocol you described
there has been quite a change in the way MMS is taken..The protocol
advised to start at one drop or even half a drop for the first number of doses in the protocol and gradually increase it up to not over three drops per hour..if you feel nausea or stomache cramps it usually means that MMS is working by eliminating the virus or bacteria that is causing your troubles..this is the sacrament or protocol 1000 in the Church procedure..Here are the procedures you would follow and you will not have any trouble with the procedure..You were going too fast and killing pathogens too fast.. Slow down and take it easy..and you will find very few side effects..some people were alergic to the citric acid activator but they have another activator which works better in those cases
anything you want to know is here
Best Regards

-----Original Message----- From: Tony Moody
Sent: Sunday, November 02, 2014 2:17 PM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>MMS and "Church"

Hallo AJR,

Umm, Call me what you want. But most of my relevant credentials are alternate or
complementary healing of one sort or another.

I tried MMS at the lowest dose and it made me sick as a dog and it took me at least 5 weeks to get back to my normal self. There was absolutely no help at the time from the MMS group. I was not the only one, there had already been several and there were many after me who complained. We were all shut down and poo-pood and ignored. Then a few chemically orientated people chimed in and pointed out what could be happening physiologically or biologically. .. then Jim Humble changed his formulation to a much weaker solution or used a different acid or something. I'd lost interest in the MMS and the deaf bigots surrounding the

MMS is an excellent concept really but some people react very, very badly to it. That should be factored in and dealt with by recommending starting off at 10th or 100th dose the first few time and build up to ones level of acceptance. The fact that some people can take a heroic dose from start has the potential to harm person, harm MMS and harm the whole alt health

If, instead of V8 bulldosing, the MMS people could have checked on initial discomfort and then recommended reverting to a much lower dose, they could have pleased everybody. This sort of protocol is standard practise in any sane modality. Even medics do this. I believe it is called titration. When I made colloidal silver devices that is one of the concepts mentioned in
the manual.

Mentioning MMS in the same breath as CS, DMSO and O2 therapy is sacrilege in my opinion
for the only reason that MMS does not advocate caution.

I've done CS by the litre per day, I've taken DMSO neat by the teaspoon, several times per day. I've done ozone insulflations and blood exchanges, and breathed the stuff up to coughing level, no problems. I've taken O3 bubbled water by the litre. All no problem. I've done an H202 oral slow build up but soon got to a level that kept me consistently nauseous; so I backed off. I had to stop entirely before nausea went away. I'm not knocking H2O2 , just can't / don't want to do it; its too rough for me. If I was driven to H2O2 then i would first do some thorough cleansing first. Drink copious amounts of warm water, then go on to mild liver cleanse ; garlic lemon and olive oil drink. paying strict attention to diet, then do a series of liver cleanses with flushing enemas. A few weeks dedicated to that and i probably wouldn't
need H2O2 anyway. :-)

Have you considered that MMS Sodium Chlorite could perhaps have an emetic mixed in to
discourage people from ingesting it?  Could some be coming from say china ??

My apology for this rave Mike, I'ts just that I feel that my feet have been crushed rather


On 2 Nov 2014 at 12:02,

AJR wrote about :
Subject : Re: CS>MMS and "Church"

Hi Alan
There have been more then 20 million bottles of MMS used since it was
started in the year  2000 and
there are no records of people being harmed if they follow the
instructions properly..Nothing
is perfect..As you are aware..there are a number of people who have been
planted on these lists by
Big pharmacy and the medical Cartel to disrupt and make problems for
members..These people are easy to spot
as they all have the same negative attitude..They don’t realize that
each year in america there are close to
a million people who die from approved Pharmaceutical Drugs..Also
Doctors are the # 1 killer of people and they can do it legally
with no problems..They are not hard to spot on this list so it important
to keep an open mind..How do they sleep at night...
They need to do honest research but in these cases it won’t work as
they have a hidden agenda..Colloidal Silver, MMS, Oxygen therapy,
DMSO, and many others are good protocols.and deserve to be
appreciated..Ebola is coming and it is not going to be nice.
DEE lets give these protocols a chance as we are going to need them..

From: Alan Faulkner
Sent: Saturday, November 01, 2014 6:49 PM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>MMS and "Church"

I have never heard of anyone having an extremely bad reaction to MMS.

Your body gets sick for a variety of reasons or as Nelson Bradley
suggests, for 5 reasons; toxins, diet, psychological, pathogen,
electrical disruption, skeletal issues. In order to straighten the body
out, often "stuff" has to be offloaded. The process of offloading it may
be unpleasant, but to blame it on something or someone is to be a fool.

Often MMS will cause a very brief case of diarrhea (as in my case about
5 minutes) which is simply the body's way of offloading the trash you
consumed yourself. Happened to me and felt very right and afterwards was
a great relief.

Whether you off load the 'stuff' through something like Pancha Karma
(Ayurveda) or the various herbal mixtures, or MMS or whatever, the idea
is that you do have to get rid of stuff occasionally. If you have
cancer, it took quite awhile to get to the point where the cancer showed
up, so to dump it quickly may not be comfortable.

Now having said that some PPL see the MMS protocols and think "hmmmm if
a little is good then a lot is better" (typically male) so they consume
way too much with predictable results.

I doubt that MMS has risks, when used sensibly, because after it kills
pathogens it changes into a weak salt and then exits the body.


On 2014-11-01, at 02:36 AM, Dee wrote:

I think that this probably my thinking Victor because although he has
obviously done a lot of good using MMS, in some people the results could
be bad, so as you say, I think personally that the risk outweighs the
benefits for me.  I did know of someone who, a few years ago, insulted
me roundly when I voiced a word of caution about MMS, who later almost
apologised to me, because he had an extremely bad reaction to it...dee

Sent from my iPad

On 1 Nov 2014, at 04:47, Victor Cozzetto <victor.cozze...@gmail.com>

  I just noticed that none of my posts about MMS are in the archive;
which would explain why nobody was responding to me. (Not sure what the
issue is Mike, but luckily I still have all the emails in my outbox).

  I am not a chemist, but here is my opinion that I have shared with
others in the past:

  I am sure that MMS works for many people, and I do not doubt that it
could potentially cure almost anything. However, I cannot recommend it
or use it with what I currently know. Of course I am still ignorant, but
here are some of the reasons why I would not use it:

  1. MMS can be dangerous. It can do direct damage to the body, interact
with other chemicals, drugs, etc. It is too unpredictable, and thus the
risk is simply too high for me.

  2. To my knowledge, MMS cannot do anything that colloidal silver (CS)
cannot do, but CS has zero risk, is cheaper, predictable, and is
guaranteed to be effective. (of course levels of effectiveness vary,
depending on the ailment)

  3. MMS can also be compared to ozonated water (because it uses
oxidizing effects), but again, the ozonated water has zero risk, is
cheaper, more predictable, and is guaranteed to be effective.

  4. MMS has the same limitations that both CS and ozonated water have -
in that they cannot directly target lymph, nervous systems, etc.
However, CS and ozonated water contribute directly to strengthening the
immune system, and thus have a direct impact on all health. MMS can
potentially achieve this too, but that is not certain, since it can act
as a toxin, and thus have the opposite effect.

  5. I might sound too harsh, but I would compare MMS more to chemo. It
isn't of course, but it is a chemical that can have a toxic effect on
the body. It can have a very rapid impact, but I am not sure how good
that is, since it is purely a 'killing' action, and does not enhance the
body's ability to repair. Both CS and Ozone provide direct 'killing' and
greatly enhance the body's ability to defend and repair.

  6. I would be afraid to use MMS with other treatments, since is it s
chemical that I am not familiar enough with. Thus, I cannot add it to
the things I am doing. CS and Ozonated water work great with a variety
of other treatments and protocols.

  7. Perhaps the greatest single problem - MMS is often cited as causing
gut problems for people, and that is not good, since the gut is the
heart of our immune system. By contrast, CS has no negative impact on
the gut, and is used to treat various gut ailments. (CS is absorbed very
rapidly in the gut, and normal consumption of kefir, yogurt, fermented
foods, etc. ensure that CS has no negative impact on gut flora).

  Again, I wouldn't doubt that MMS can save lives in places where no
other options are available, but putting that energy into getting CS (or
other treatments) is a much better long-term solution IMHO.


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