He writes: "So, water is an unknown quantity that God has
revealed for mankind in trouble, in times of need,
when we are being enslaved by the pharmaceutical
industry and the ignorance of my colleagues in the
medical community.
The treatment process is
very simple; prevent
dehydration first. You
need water on a regular
basis, you need salt on a
regular basis. You need
daily exercise because
your brain chemistry
depends on how you
move your muscles.
When you use your
muscles, you burn the
branched-chain amino
acids, which are competitors
to tryptophan passage
across the bloodbrain
barrier. And once
you burn those, your body
chemistry will begin to function normally. The calf
muscles are your secondary hearts for venous
circulation. That is why you need to exercise every day.
You need a balanced vegetable and protein
diet, a ratio of 20 to 80, 80 percent vegetables and
fruits, not very much starch, and 20 percent protein.
Do this and take the right amounts of water and
cut out sodas, I can assure you, I guarantee no
disease will occur in you for a long time. You need
your water before your food. First thing in the
morning when you wake up, two glasses of water
to offset the dehydration of overnight. Then you
need a glass of water half an hour before food
because if you expect to digest the food, you better
give the water beforehand. You need also a glass
of water two-and-a-half hours after food, to wrap
up the process of digestion, and hydrate the areas
that lost water to the circulation. You need for
every quart or liter of water a quarter teaspoon of
salt, you also need the other minerals in order to
regulate the volume of water that is held inside
the cells. You need a balanced protein; eggs are
very good, cottage cheese is excellent, to give
you all the amino acids and balanced structure.
To reverse any of the diseases produced by
dehydration it is essential to adequately supplement
the body with intracellular minerals; the diet must
be high in its potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc,
selenium and manganese content. This is a very
simple solution to cure any of the modern diseases
we have come across.
I have been asked if
drinking enough water
would be the best protection
against pollutants
in our environment.
Absolutely. It would
offset the damage that
is produced by these
things, first, and secondly
it will immediately
flush the toxic material
out of the body.Water is a tremendous
cleansing solution against all these toxic materials."

On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 8:04 PM, Deborah Gerard <devorah...@yahoo.com>

> I use sea salt on food...are you supposed to take more?
> Debbie
>   On Monday, December 22, 2014 8:36 PM, Dan Nave <bhangcha...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Do you take the sea salt as recommended as well?
> On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 7:03 PM, Deborah Gerard <devorah...@yahoo.com>
> wrote:
> I drink water all day....good filtered water and still suffer from pain.
>   On Monday, December 22, 2014 6:47 PM, Phil Morrison <
> philmorrison...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Did you know that pain indicates dehydration and dehydration produces
> damage in the tissues of the body and that can also cause cancer?  Or, that
> dehydration shuts down the immune system?
> Interview with world's water expert below:
> http://www.phenomenews.com/nov2005/0a.htm