123 456 wrote:
Hi....I just found an older msg that I somehow missed...definitely
missed the reference regarding the cataracts.
I've been told that I have one forming on one of my eyes.
How can I find the information on this older thread.
Nothing is found on this thread.
Thx and Happy New Year

Hi Tara,

Below are a number of messages from November 2011 and July 2009
regarding the issue of eye cataracts:


Subject: Fw: CS>Re Cataracts
From: "vicki hood" <mutt...@isp.com>
Date: Sat, 12 Nov 2011 17:01:23 -0800
To: <silver-list@eskimo.com>

I did my own.  Years ago I did the research and took the best of the
research.  tried it on myself and then dogs in need. Worked every time.
Start 3 or 4 times a day, cut back according to severity of the
cataracts.  Go figure -- if it doesn't work (and it always does) it
cannot hurt you.  Buy gentle eye solution (non-sting) add 15% MS
crystals.  That would be 1 teaspoon for each ounce of eye solution.
Thats not perfect measure but close enough.   Keep everything clean as
you can.

Each eye,  1 or 2 drops RAW flax oil (not from caps but from the fridge
at the health store --- Barleans is good).  5 mins to half hour later
drop or 2 of eye solution. The dogs I treat often have this goober grub
in the corner of their eye after about 3 or 4 days.  Cataracts come off
in layers.  Now this does not correct the nearsight or farsight like
lens implant surgery.  Sure does take that piece of white sheet off of
dogs and my eyes.

I like to keep it up for maybe 6 weeks after i have cut back to couple
times a week.  Even longer if you want.  Save a dogs life.  Many people
cannot afford surgery for their dogs.  The last dog I did was 16.  It
made a whole new tailwagger.  I could see it.  Dogs with pressure behind
eye (glaucoma) usually have bulging eye.  That hurts like the worst of
migraine and needs meds from a vet.  Please do not let them suffer.
Cataracts and glaucoma are 2 different things.  I am not medically
trained.  I love the best of the research I do.  Just passing it on if
you care to try. It worked for me and mine.
----- Original Message -----
From: PTFerrance
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Saturday, November 12, 2011 2:05 PM
Subject: RE: CS>Re Cataracts

Hi Brickey,

What did you do with the flaxseed oil?  Did you put it in your eye?  Do
you have any literature?  How did you come upon this?



From: brick...@aol.com [mailto:brick...@aol.com]

In a message dated 11/11/2011, patriot2...@cox.net writes:
> I am frantically searching for non-surgical solutions that can advert
> surgery all together or delay

I controlled my cataracts for several years using flaxseed oil. Actually
I used linseed oil bought from the local hardware paint department,
linseed oil is another name for flaxseed oil but it was not food grade.
It delayed surgery for 5 or 6 years. Since I receive Medicare and
cataract surgery is covered I had the surgery.

Has anyone tried mixing aloe vera and CS to get the CS past the stomach
acids?  Nutritional Living said that was a way to control Candida yeasts
in your intestines.


Subject: RE: CS>Re Cataracts
From: "PTFerrance" <ptf2...@bellsouth.net>
Date: Sat, 12 Nov 2011 21:42:52 -0500
To: <silver-list@eskimo.com>

Hi Vicki,

What are MS crystals?  Also, if you don't mind, what did you use as an eye
dropper for the flax oil?  Also, which variety of Barleans did you use.  I
have used it before and there are a variety of mixtures.

Thanks for your help.


Subject: CS>Re cataract typo its MSM
From: "vicki hood" <mutt...@isp.com>
Date: Sun, 13 Nov 2011 14:30:49 -0800
To: <silver-list@eskimo.com>

I did a typo on the cataracts information.  It is MSM not MS.  Also use
pure MSM and not from Caps.  Caps sometimes  have fillers.  99point
something is good and available at feed and supply store.  Horse supply.
Not to waste it is good for many things itis a supplemental food
sulphur.  A good healer.

Subject: CS>CS with MSM,cataracts
From: "Harold" <har...@telus.net>
Date: Sun, 13 Nov 2011 21:08:32 -0800
To: <silver-list@eskimo.com>

I have used regular MSM powders and caps with so so results. I would
suggest you go to the link below and get the Pure Organic Sulfur
Crystals [Methyl Sulphonyl Methane]. At least look into it. Other than a
satisfied user of said product, I have no monetary involvement with Hesh



These messages are from 2009 regarding the use of NAC and DMSO:

Subject: CS>Eye Health Research Report
From: "Brooks Bradley" <brooks76...@lycos.com>
Date: Tue, 14 Jul 2009 15:16:27 -0400 (EDT)
To: <Silver-list@eskimo.com>

Because of the quite positive results we have achieved in some limited,
but definitive, investigations ... I am moved to call two supporting
substances to the attention of list members. From among a number of
candidates addressed in searching for the most economical/effective
modalities for attenuating / preventing cataracts ... we achieved our
best --- and most rapid success using NAC (n-acetyl L-carnosine) ... for
cataract presentations.

This substance, in mild solution, (amended with low-percentage DMSO
[5%] by volume) ... effected very powerful beneficial influence upon the
cross-linked proteins which cause the clouding of the normally clear
tissue fields (i.e. cataracts). This simple protocol yielded (in our
view) splendid, non-invasive, results ... for literally --- pennies.
Very positive benefits were achieved in ALL of the early-onset
presentations and sufficient improvement in 80% of the ADVANCED
PRESENTATIONS ... to avoid or postpone surgical interventions.

The second substance --- one relating to age related macular
degeneration (ARMD) --- we found to be of positive effect, was a pigment
occurring in a marine form of Red Algae. Actually, it is a carotenoid
and related to both lutein and beta-carotene in structure ... but
exhibits more powerful antioxidant effects. It is a natural dye
occurring in such red algae as Gigartina. The substance is Astaxanthin
... and it demonstrated to be the STAR in our Dry-type ARMD studies. In
addition to yielding very strong benefit in our ARMD evaluations,
Astaxanthin favorably improved the time response, when used as an
ancillary support for the volunteers with cataracts.

We do not recommend any specific supplier of these substances. A brief
internet search engine request will furnish a number of reliable sources
of these substances.

Sincerely, Brooks Bradley.

Subject: Re: CS>Eye Health Research Report
From: Day Sutton <day.sut...@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 14 Jul 2009 15:36:21 -0400
To: silver-list@eskimo.com

My DMSO book says that one drop of DMSO per day will clear cataracts
all by itself...

Subject: Re: CS>Eye Health Research Report
From: ATOMICSILVER <atomicsil...@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 14 Jul 2009 22:11:32 +0200
To: silver-list@eskimo.com

I read somewhere that Coconut milk also does wonders !

Subject: Re: CS>Brook NAC/DMSO Eye Health Research Report
From: sol <sol...@sweetwaterhsa.com>
Date: Thu, 16 Jul 2009 15:01:15 -0600
To: silver-list@eskimo.com

I have been using an NAC (n-acetyl carnosine) eye drop since I was
diagnosed with cataracts last Aug. and told I was going to need cataract
surgery in approx 1 year or less. I also used eyedrops of CS, MSM, and
DMSO, and took a lutein and bilberry supplement and reduced my intake of
dairy (particularly milk). Nothing like trying everything at once ...
but I felt the shotgun approach was necessary.

I had a new eye exam in June and have no cataracts now, that is, no
clouding of the lens of either eye, this time was told I am 5 to perhaps
even 10 years away from cataract surgery. There is still some yellowing
of the lens in both eyes, which is still considered early stage
cataract, but though my vision still isn't great for unknown reasons, I
no longer feel like I need to "look around" a fuzzy spot to see.  I am
continuing the eye drops, and lutein/bilberry and reduction of dairy,
and hoping the yellowing will also reverse. I have another eye exam
later this month, with a different eye doctor, so hope to find out why
vision is still blurry.


Subject: Re: CS>Brook NAC/DMSO Eye Health Research Report
From: sol <sol...@sweetwaterhsa.com>
Date: Fri, 17 Jul 2009 17:22:19 -0600
To: silver-list@eskimo.com

I received a request for the percentage and strength of each component
of the drops I used so here are the details:

Started out with---1 oz my homemade CS approx 12 ppm, 1 tsp pure msm
(opti-msm powder), 1 ml DMSO. Over time, I added quite a bit more DMSO
(a little at a time to my tolerance) and less msm (msm stings my eyes).
I had read that one drop of pure DMSO can be used straight in the eye
for cataracts, and I did ONE eye--that ended that experiment for me! I
also could not find out whether it was to be a one time treatment, or
how many times a day for how long,  and since it was so painful (for me)
I opted for more comfortable treatment.

The carnosine eye drops are commercial products----Bright Eyes III by
Life Extension, available from iherb, and Can-C from international
antiaging systems---here is their article about carnosine for cataracts:


purchase link

The ingredients were nearly identical: the LE product is much cheaper,
and it took quite a long time to receive the Can-C drops from overseas.
Of the two brands, I found the dropper bottle of the LE product easier
to use.

Because of the other ingredients in the eye drops, I did not try to add
any DMSO directly to the eye drop solution, but used the NAC drops at
different times of day from the CS/MSM/DMSO homemade eye drop. sol

Subject: Re: CS>Brook NAC/DMSO Eye Health Research Report
From: Pat <pattycake29...@yahoo.com>
Date: Fri, 17 Jul 2009 20:21:27 -0700 (PDT)
To: silver-list@eskimo.com

Very interesting!  So either my ophthalmologist is ignorant or lying
when he said nothing works for cataract.  He said a cataract is like a
cooked egg, once the protein is changed, you can't change it back.  I
asked him about Bright Eye drops and he said nothing helps and that he's
angry about quack cures that take people's money with no hope of a real
cure.  Maybe doctors are so buried in the standard medical literature
that they have no time to read about new research, . . . and who wants
cheap cures that don't require a doctor, anyway.


Subject: Re: CS>Brook NAC/DMSO Eye Health Research Report
From: Dorothy Fitzpatrick <d...@deetroy.org>
Date: Sat, 18 Jul 2009 08:37:09 +0100
To: silver-list@eskimo.com

this is so I believe.  Most are just ignorant and haven't done any
research except into drugs, which they believe are the be all and end
all.  Near enough every physician I have met has raised disbelieving
eyes in regard to CS, no matter how much evidence (anecdotal) I produce.
They are all blinkered, as are a lot of ordinary people I meet, who
trust their GP's/vets/consultants, implicitly, even when their diagnoses
have been wrong, or their 'cures' haven't cured.  dee

Subject: Re: CS>Brook NAC/DMSO Eye Health Research Report
From: sol <sol...@sweetwaterhsa.com>
Date: Sat, 18 Jul 2009 19:22:07 -0600
To: silver-list@eskimo.com

Most are also ignorant of the connection between lactose and cataracts
or consider it quackery as well. But I can speak firsthand to
eliminating dairy entirely also reversing an early cataract around a
decade ago. Eliminating dairy eliminated the cataract.

This time around my diet is so limited due to allergies, that I simply
could not find enough protein without some dairy, which is why I tried
the other measures I wrote about. Had I still been able to stop all
dairy products, I would have done that as well.

In fact, it was only after a few years of adding dairy back into my diet
that I turned up with cataracts again............


Subject: CS>Cataract Research: Comment
From: "Brooks Bradley" <brooks76...@lycos.com>
Date: Sun, 19 Jul 2009 15:57:16 -0400 (EDT)
To: <Silver-list@eskimo.com>

I noticed, a comment among the recent commentary on my earlier post on
some of our cataract research mentioned the application of 100%,
undiluted DMSO. While we have never encountered any case where the
external ... or internal ... use of undiluted DMSO has resulted in ANY
measurable degree of tissue compromise --- there ARE circumstances where
the result of such application has a PRONOUNCED rush of marked
discomfort. The burning sensation resulting from such protocols is,
sometimes, called "false blister", as it feels almost identical to a
pronounced sunburn.

A majority of all such incidents (among those we have encountered)
result from a single cause ... which is the immediate rush of DMSO
responding to its powerful hygroscopic character. The actual effect of
introducing pure/undiluted DMSO will vary --- sometimes, remarkably so
--- based upon the fact that the actual volume/availability of moisture
existing in the eye socket at the time of application varies widely
among persons ... many times as much as 50%. Such conditions set the
stage for a most uncomfortable reaction ... at the precise moment of
introducing the DMSO to the eye surface/socket environment. The less the
volume of existing moisture/tears present at this moment ... the more
pronounced the potential discomfort to the recipient.

I repeat myself from earlier cautions: DMSO is EXTREMELY hygroscopic, to
the extent that in some cases, if inadvertently having water poured into
the vessel containing the parent, undiluted, DMSO ... The reaction is so
violent that liquid material will be ejected in the form of large
bubbles/mist --- together with the generation of pronounced heat. Even
when mixed properly with other liquids containing water fractions ...
DMSO ALWAYS causes a reaction which liberates heat.

We have failed to encounter many circumstance where solutions containing
DMSO, require strengths beyond 20% ... and in most cases, not beyond
10%. Exceptions include normal, external, non-abraded, skin tissues. I
do not mean to "gild-the-lily" with these comments, but do feel they are
worth ones consideration. Especially in view of the fact we have such a
wide disparity in technical/biological and chemical knowledge among the
list membership.

I consider ALL members to be intelligent ... but not equally informed.

Sincerely, Brooks Bradley.

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