And of course you stand ready to back up the statement that no pathogen can 
survive the presence of CS.
Frank ND

From: Victor Cozzetto 
Sent: Monday, January 05, 2015 8:08 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Rephrasing question -- resistance to CS

Resistance is not possible. No pathogen can survive in the presence of CS. Of 
course there are many variables that affect that statement, such as CS quality, 
quantity, the ability to reach the pathogen, etc. 

Also, make sure that you are not mistaking disease symptoms with toxin 
symptoms. I just had this situation in my own household, where my wife had flu 
like symptoms. The house was being painted and repaired for a month, and she 
was sick through all of it - but only on the weekends - when she was in the 
house. She first suspected something was wrong with our CS, but I was pretty 
certain it was the chemicals, and now we know. Detox was what was needed.

There are many things that can make us ill. Pathogens, toxins, poor diet, etc.


On Mon, Jan 5, 2015 at 9:56 PM, Judy Knowlton <> 

  Are we producing one-cell “buglets” (virus, bacteria, yeast, fungus) that are 
highly resistant to CS?
  I had understood from this List that CS works differently and resistance is 
not possible.
  My son is having an experience that might say otherwise.
  Please, you research Mavens, clarify!
  Judy Down Maine