Also, important to remember that continued high doses of vit C would seriously 
deplete iodine which would result in serious disease.  Ok short term 

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> On 26 Jan 2015, at 14:32, PT Ferrance <> wrote:
> One thing you might want to keep in mind is that Vit C has a chelating 
> effect.  I and others I have known have had issues with minerals when taking 
> Vit C at high doses for long periods of time.  You might also want to 
> research taking the liposomal form which can be made at home.
> PT
> From: Walter Anderson <>
> To: 
> Sent: Monday, January 26, 2015 12:08 AM
> Subject: CS>Vitamin C - Wow!
> Roger B, thanks for that link a while back to a YouTube video regarding 
> Vitamin C. I had no idea what ascorbic acid could do, but after researching 
> it quite a bit, we ordered a bunch from in Great 
> Britain (better deal than we could find here, even after shipping) and tried 
> taking it to “bowel” tolerance as suggested by those who’ve worked a lot with 
> it. Wow, is it ever effective at nearly eliminating cold/flu symptoms—in 
> minutes.
> While fighting the flu that everyone around here seems to have, we’ve taken 
> 1/8-1/2c CS in the morning (helped a lot on its own once we started doing 
> this, but not quite so dramatically quickly as ascorbic acid), and then 
> follow up 30 minutes later with ascorbic acid powder mixed with water and 
> chased with more water to wash it off the teethe. We repeat the ascorbic acid 
> every three hours for five doses over the course of the day—for us ~30g seems 
> to be about what our bodies want at the moment—would hate to pop 30-120 
> typical vitamin C pills to get the same amount! We also take smaller amounts 
> of CS now and then, but try to keep it separate from the ascorbic acid. Kids 
> ask for the ascorbic acid now as they feel so much better (back to their 
> usual bouncing off the ceiling selves) with it :)
> Thanks again for the link. I thought I’d pass our experience so far on in 
> case it is helpful to anyone else.
> Walter