Beck Protocol, Colloidal Silver, etc. There has never been a 
''cure-all"...unless you 
want to count our immune system.. And before you jump the gun I realize that 
of us has the ''perfect immune system''.. That is virtually impossible in the 
climate of 
today's food supplies...and suppliers.. But with that goal in mind (keeping in 
that we are all terminal) one can do better than we are doing today which is 
quite a 
chore to maintain but.... There ARE things we can learn with an open mind. I 
had a 
pencil eraser size ''growth'' pop up on the side of my nose.. The doctor 
it was a ''wart'' and froze it. It turned black and fell off....and was back 
within a week.
Two more trips to the doctor with the same diagnosis and treatment...and result.
Enough of this BS..especially when the medical conglomerate doctors belong to 
this day (they call these fifteen second nitrogen freezes surgeries and charged 
accordingly) have no mercy on the working man..  I applied eucalyptus oil 
on it for a couple of days and within a week it was totally gone and that's 
been several 
years ago.. 

Another issue at a different time; a dry spot on my forearm itched so I 
scratched it.
The irritation grew to the point that it was a boil like eruption.. Tried 
eucalyptus oil 
on it....made it worse.. Tried coconut oil (God's own sun screen) and the 
effect was almost immediate. Continued with that (it took three months) and had 
improvement with nary a return once it totally cleared up..

Point is; there is something from nature that works on everything but we have 
that knowledge and now it's man-made prescription pills etc., most with awful 
effects.. We are our own worse enemy with what we eat, drink, and breathe..and 
we're still terminal.. Keep reading and searching and just maybe...

Uncleben ..