Uh... John...

You do realize that we are kind of an underground mailing list for a
reason, right? ;-)  I.e. I don't think that many of us care a lot about
peer reviewed publications in medical journals, as that is basically
exclusive to big pharmaceutical companies, is often fraudulent (just like
drug trials), or is suppressed when it concerns things outside of big
pharma control.

Dr. Beck's work has a history of interesting issues regarding such, as his
work was methodically cut from publications in years past. And when I say
'cut' I mean that the work was physically cut with a razor to be removed
from publications in libraries. Just thought you would find that


On Fri, Aug 28, 2015 at 11:08 AM, John Popelish <jpopel...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 08/27/2015 09:25 PM, Steve Levine wrote:
>> http://healyourselfathome.com/HOW/THERAPIES/SOTA/magnetic_pulser.aspx
>> Magnetic NORTH pole energy (Side of paddle labeled N ) is used to:
>>     Inactivate bacteria, fungi and viruses *
>>     Reduce inflammation
>>     Increase cellular energy production
>>     Calm nerves
>>     Destroy cancer cells
>>     Increase blood oxygen
>>     Slow down OVER-active organs
>>     Reduce pain
>>     Reduce congestion
>>     Dissolve Fat
>>     Increase alkalinity
>>     Control bleeding
> Have double blind trials been done
> (where neither subject nor experimenter
> knows whether a subject has received a north pole,
> a south pole, or an inactive (placebo) device),
> for each of those effects,
> so that results could be tabulated,
> without human bias?
> Were these results published
> in a peer reviewed medical journal?
> If so, I would like to see that report.
> If not, we are back to religion
> (claims with no evidence).
> --
> Regards,
> John Popelish
> --
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