Also well put....Dee

Sent from my iPad

> On 28 Aug 2015, at 15:09, John Popelish <> wrote:
> My point in bringing any of this up
> is that humans have a powerful ability
> to find a nugget of truth,
> hidden in a truckload of clutter.
> But, unless we are willing
> to set aside our enthusiasm
> and work to separate that nugget of truth,
> we end up embracing the truckload of clutter.
> The reason science has been so successful
> at building a detailed model
> of how reality works,
> is because the method does not stop,
> just because some trial worked.
> In the case of magnetic healing aid,
> there may be a wonderful fact to be had.
> But if we latch onto the first trial that works,
> we may never gain that deeper understanding
> of exactly what is going on
> and how it operates
> and what parts of the original trial
> were just noise that obscured
> the important facts.
>> On 08/28/2015 08:17 AM, PT Ferrance wrote:
>> Go find the books of Davis and Rawls.
>> PT
>> *From:* John Popelish <>
>>> I burned through a half dozen papers, so far, and found poor
>>> experiment description (not reproducible, from the
>>> description), arbitrary pulse frequency (DC to 4444 Hz) and
>>> amplitude, for no given reasons and slight positive effect,
>>> if any.
>>> We must be finding different papers, in that search.
>>> So far, no mention of any positive effect of particular pole
>>> polarity.
> -- 
> Regards,
> John Popelish
> --
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