This doesn't make any sense at all.  The virus would have to survive through 
thousands of eggs/sperm through separate conceptions and many years. 
      From: John Popelish <>
 Sent: Sunday, September 27, 2015 12:53 AM
 Subject: Re: CS>Fwd: Any thoughts on this article
On 09/26/2015 11:06 PM, RaVen wrote:
> Thanks everyone for the tips --- my mother is miserable with
> shingles....
> Curious does anyone understand how it comes about? I know
> it's a family of chicken pox - some say it's from a vaccine;
> other says it's from too much argine amino acid; stress;
> lyme; ......

Shingles is chicken pox's way
of getting past generational immunity
to pass from grandparent to grandchild.

When a child gets chicken pox,
some of the virus goes dormant in deep trunk nerves,
near the spine and sleeps for several decades.

Then, after a next generation of people has grown
and had children,
it revives in one of those deep nerves and reproduces
virus particles in all the skin nerves
that connect to that trunk nerve,
emitting virus from the lesions,
everywhere those nerves terminate
as sensory nerves in the skin.
This is why the lesions appear
strictly on one side
and also why they hurt so much.

It is very important
to quarantine yourself
when you have those painful symptoms
to keep the virus from jumping
to another generation of people.


John Popelish

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