Hello All
I am suffering from Lyme Disease with co-infections.I have the following 
questions about the production and consumption of C.S. as I am about to start 
the Bob Beck Protocol.

1) Given I produce C.S. with a concentration of 25 p.p.m., what is a safe daily 
dosage?     I was told to consume 5 ounces, ca. 150ml of 25 p.p.m. C.S. per day?

2) How high is the risk of the skin turning blue (agyria)? How can I reduce or 
eliminate the risk of the skin turning blue?   I read the risk is given, if one 
takes poorly made C.S. (with salt water, additives, or very large quantities)   
  (would be happy about links regarding C.S. and agyria)

3) Are there any substances, that should not be taken together with C.S.?    
I.e. any substances that together with C.S. would increase the risk of agyria 
or other health problems?

4) Is there a max. time to take C.S.? I.e. is it recommended to take it for 3-4 
weeks and then pause,    or can it be consumed for 3-4 months, without a break 
and without accumulating in the body?

5) Does C.S. destroy the gut flora? SHould C.S. only be taken together with 
Thanks and Regards