straight up..citric acid might work too.


On Wed, Dec 23, 2015 at 10:38 AM, PT Ferrance <> wrote:

> Thanks, Ode.  When I clean it this week I will do a pot of vinegar.
> Should it be mixed with water or just straight?
> I use citric acid to clean the pot but don't let it run through the
> system.  Would that also work?  I like it because it is also a microbial.
> I appreciate your help.
> PT
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Ode Coyote <>
> *To:*
> *Sent:* Wednesday, December 23, 2015 8:44 AM
> *Subject:* Re: CS>Distilling - OT
> That would be minerals from over boil. If you can slow that distiller down
> [less hot, but a lot slower]  that stuff should stay in the pot like most
> of it does.
>  Soak the condenser in an acid like CLR, dilute Muriatic [Hydrochloric
> acid, HCl] or distilled white vinegar. ["distilled" suggests that
> distilling some with your distiller will do the job]
> Bear in mind that strong HCl will 'passivate' stainless steel if left on
> too long...makes it sorta black, gold and purple weird stainy lookin]
> Ode
> On Tue, Dec 22, 2015 at 4:26 PM, PT Ferrance <>
> wrote:
> I've been using the same distiller for probably close to 10 years and have
> never had a problem.
> The other day I noticed some white particles floating on the top of the
> water in the distiller jug.  The water is very hard where I live and
> usually the inside of the pot needs to be cleaned at least once a week (I
> distill 1 pot a day).  The substance almost looks like the minerals that
> build up on the inside of the pot on the sides where it dries.  I also
> noticed a white powdery substance on the inside of the tube that the water
> drips out of.
> Anyone have any ideas on what this could be and how I can resolve it?
> Thanks.
> PT