Hi Dee,
I take whatever 1000mg Cs are available at the time that have bioflavonids and 
rose-hips. Works for me. Can't make liposomal C on the road: already enough of 
a hassle making kefir and CS.
Be well,
On Mar 18, 2016, at 5:43 AM, Dee wrote:

> Hi Lena, just butting in on your post here.  What type of vit c are you 
> taking?  I too am doing this as I have slightly high blood pressure.  
> According to Linus Pauling, it doesn't matter if you just use ascorbic acid, 
> but then you need massive amounts because it just drains out of the body and 
> only has antioxidant properties. To get the full vitamin c benefits ie, to 
> strengthen the vascular walls, you need all the other components which make 
> up vitamin c ie. Bioflavonoids etc, etc.  Dr Marc Sircus and Mercola right 
> about this quite a lot....Dee
> Sent from my iPad
> On 18 Mar 2016, at 00:03, Lena Guyot <drumr...@stny.rr.com> wrote:
>> Hi Neville,
>> I really like your style and attitude! So glad you are bouncing back and 
>> showing how it can be done.
>> On the subject of cholesterol, I've read that plaque in arteries is the 
>> body's own response to weakened areas in artery walls, sort of like making 
>> patches on the inner tubes in bike tires.
>> I've also read that larger amounts of Vitamin C increase the health and tone 
>> of artery walls, so the body isn't driven to this desperate measure. Can't 
>> prove if it's true, but I'm counting on it myself, taking 13g of Vitamin C a 
>> day (along with 13 g of sea salt) using the lymestrategies protocol that has 
>> helped so many Lymies. It certainly seems to have given me my life back 
>> after 50 years of chronic Lyme. My motto is: 'the proof of the pudding is in 
>> the eating'. Also, 'Leave no stone unturned' and, 'listen to your body'.
>> Be well,
>> Léna
>> On Mar 17, 2016, at 7:42 AM, Neville wrote:
>>> People may have and believe a Faith, I don’t, the only thing I believe and 
>>> have Faith in, is me.
>>> I have been ingesting my own plain old silver preparation every morning for 
>>> around 13 years now.
>>> Some of you would know I had a Stroke last September...blah blah blah.  I 
>>> bounced back remarkably quick, about 3 days and I was as pretty much as 
>>> bright as a button, just trouble talking, writing etc etc.  I believe it’s 
>>> called Aphasia?
>>> An option was to remove part of my skull to drain the blood, but due to the 
>>> proximity to my ear, it was considered risky and they instead rather 
>>> watched and took readings of my BP VERY often for a while, even the knife 
>>> (or is it the saw <g>) was still an option for up to 6 weeks after 
>>> apparently.
>>> The Speech Therapist in the hospital remarked she was amazed at how quick I 
>>> recovered my speech in a few days, she said she had never seen that rapid 
>>> recovery from a Stroke..."victim?"  Although some brain cells have gone 
>>> walkabout for near on 5 months now, and I don’t think they are coming back 
>>> <g>.
>>> I'm 65, been a smoker for near on 50 years (and still do) blah blah blah, 
>>> and my cholesterol is fine, my arteries from my heart and into my brain (or 
>>> any other blood pathway after shooting me up with some "contrast” stuff) 
>>> and I could drive a truck through them.  I have my medical reports and my 
>>> MRI pictures regarding nil partial blockages or anything else, and all 
>>> internal organs from Scans showing normal with no shadows or cancer or blah 
>>> blah blah.  The brain shadow (the bleed) is slowly reducing and 
>>> dissipating.  Oh, I should add another Professional remarked how clean my 
>>> blood was regarding anti-gens, which I believe is pathogens or bugs in the 
>>> blood, but I knew that would be the case anyway via Bob Beck information 
>>> many years ago.
>>> I asked a question on this List several years ago if *OUR* preparation 
>>> could possibly keep blood pathways clean (cholesterol?), no answer was 
>>> forthcoming.  So since my episode and subsequent MRI's and medical reports 
>>> show, now I *must* assume our preparation indeed probably kept my blood 
>>> pathways clear.  I am certainly no health nut, I don’t eat any fancy diet, 
>>> nor am I built like a racing greyhound, hence I am no healthier than the 
>>> next person on this planet, and I don’t accept any genetic theory either.  
>>> As Victor said, there is just so much *not* yet understood by *anyone*?  
>>> As a supplement, I have to concede and/or assume *our* product does clean 
>>> the blood pathways, cholesterol is perfectly fine, and all internal organs 
>>> and plumbing are all good, and no cancers or any other abnormalities in my 
>>> blood blah blah and my blood is clean.  To be continued…