Hi Neville,

I really like your style and attitude! So glad you are bouncing back and 
showing how it can be done.
On the subject of cholesterol, I've read that plaque in arteries is the body's 
own response to weakened areas in artery walls, sort of like making patches on 
the inner tubes in bike tires.
I've also read that larger amounts of Vitamin C increase the health and tone of 
artery walls, so the body isn't driven to this desperate measure. Can't prove 
if it's true, but I'm counting on it myself, taking 13g of Vitamin C a day 
(along with 13 g of sea salt) using the lymestrategies protocol that has helped 
so many Lymies. It certainly seems to have given me my life back after 50 years 
of chronic Lyme. My motto is: 'the proof of the pudding is in the eating'. 
Also, 'Leave no stone unturned' and, 'listen to your body'.

Be well,

On Mar 17, 2016, at 7:42 AM, Neville wrote:

> People may have and believe a Faith, I don’t, the only thing I believe and 
> have Faith in, is me.
> I have been ingesting my own plain old silver preparation every morning for 
> around 13 years now.
> Some of you would know I had a Stroke last September...blah blah blah.  I 
> bounced back remarkably quick, about 3 days and I was as pretty much as 
> bright as a button, just trouble talking, writing etc etc.  I believe it’s 
> called Aphasia?
> An option was to remove part of my skull to drain the blood, but due to the 
> proximity to my ear, it was considered risky and they instead rather watched 
> and took readings of my BP VERY often for a while, even the knife (or is it 
> the saw <g>) was still an option for up to 6 weeks after apparently.
> The Speech Therapist in the hospital remarked she was amazed at how quick I 
> recovered my speech in a few days, she said she had never seen that rapid 
> recovery from a Stroke..."victim?"  Although some brain cells have gone 
> walkabout for near on 5 months now, and I don’t think they are coming back 
> <g>.
> I'm 65, been a smoker for near on 50 years (and still do) blah blah blah, and 
> my cholesterol is fine, my arteries from my heart and into my brain (or any 
> other blood pathway after shooting me up with some "contrast” stuff) and I 
> could drive a truck through them.  I have my medical reports and my MRI 
> pictures regarding nil partial blockages or anything else, and all internal 
> organs from Scans showing normal with no shadows or cancer or blah blah blah. 
>  The brain shadow (the bleed) is slowly reducing and dissipating.  Oh, I 
> should add another Professional remarked how clean my blood was regarding 
> anti-gens, which I believe is pathogens or bugs in the blood, but I knew that 
> would be the case anyway via Bob Beck information many years ago.
> I asked a question on this List several years ago if *OUR* preparation could 
> possibly keep blood pathways clean (cholesterol?), no answer was forthcoming. 
>  So since my episode and subsequent MRI's and medical reports show, now I 
> *must* assume our preparation indeed probably kept my blood pathways clear.  
> I am certainly no health nut, I don’t eat any fancy diet, nor am I built like 
> a racing greyhound, hence I am no healthier than the next person on this 
> planet, and I don’t accept any genetic theory either.  As Victor said, there 
> is just so much *not* yet understood by *anyone*?  
> As a supplement, I have to concede and/or assume *our* product does clean the 
> blood pathways, cholesterol is perfectly fine, and all internal organs and 
> plumbing are all good, and no cancers or any other abnormalities in my blood 
> blah blah and my blood is clean.  To be continued…