Cheers mate!


On 3/17/2016 4:45 AM, Neville wrote:

I believe my daily silver Predominantly Ionic supplement prevented any further serious complications, and furthermore I believe it enhanced my chances of survival with no having further complications. I will never stop ingesting my preparation every morning until hell freezes over, and I'll be long dead before that happens.

Life is a risk, and the only way to prove or find out something is to take the risk, and that's what I have been doing with my daily regimen. It could all be anecdotal, but if anyone else can disprove any of this, then go for it? I binned my last tablet after another MRI on Feb 9th for 'supposedly' blood pressure and my BP has not changed, 150-160, and I guess it will stay that way now? What it was before it shot up to 220 I have no idea, I’ve never had a Doctor? I guess I'll find out in the passing of time? They fixed my BP in 48 hours and I just walked around picking my nose for another 8 days, I was and am fine, accept this damned Aphasia thing <grrrrrrr>.

My episode must have been a simply glitch in the system somehow? The Medical fraternity always say it could be from smoking, a bump on the head, alcohol, coffee, diet, exercise, stress, even if I’ve had a flu shot - hmmmm, strange they would ask me that, but NO, down to picking your nose or scratching your bum blah blah blah. Well, for each and every human of our species on this planet will have at least *one* of those crap excuses thrown at them - as were thrown at me - from the Establishment. The truth is, they have no idea of why people get hit with a Stroke out of the blue, so they should NOT point the finger at any of their lame 'excuses'? You will never get a questionnaire - as I did - asking about air pollution, or the toxins we consume in every mouthful of foodstuffs we shove in our mouths and many other ways which would or could affect our health today! The Establishment will *always* point their finger at YOU as causing some reason for doing it to *yourself*, they will never point that finger at the system!

OK, considerable rant over <g>. It seems I dodged a bullet, but it missed its mark, maybe another bullet might come my way one day? So be it, life is a risk! Only dead fish go with the flow.

Until, or unless, someone else gets a Stroke and has been ingesting a small amount every morning as I have done, with MRI’s and Medical reports, this will only ever be anecdotal. Again, so be it.
