Full dose. First one wasn't too bad .. was tired for a couple of days and that was it .. This third one has completely wiped me out. I called the infusion center and they mentioned a lower dose. I'm seeing the doc next week. I'm not sure I will continue this. :/ The buildup sure sounds a lot more sensible.

On 6/7/2016 5:25 PM, wanda85...@yahoo.com wrote:
One more thought: They don't start with a full dose. Did u get the full dose at the beginning? My daughter did not. They start with a low dose and I think she got another in two weeks (not absolutely sure of time frame) with a little more in the second dose and so forth until she gets the full dose. Then it's only one infusion a month I believe. I don't think she's even reached the full dose yet. I do remember her commenting the second caused a little more itching and a little more tired, but nothing she couldn't handle. She gets her infusion on a Friday and then sleeps most of the weekend.


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On Jun 7, 2016, at 11:54 AM, cassidy <pcassi...@tx.rr.com <mailto:pcassi...@tx.rr.com>> wrote:

Wanda, thanks for the info. Yes, blood work shows deficiency. This is day 7 after 3rd infusion and I am just miserable. I am itching all over, I am weak, felt like I would pass out yesterday .. today just very very tired. maybe I'm allergic to the product..
I am familiar with the LC... will get that started.
I'm due for another infusion in 2 weeks. I'm trying to determine if it's worth it.

So wonderful that it worked for your daughter.

On 6/7/2016 11:35 AM, wanda85...@yahoo.com wrote:
Hi Pat,

My daughter just started on them; I think she's had 4 so far.