Hi Cassidy,

The last post of mine didn't  come through,to me anyway, so don't know if it 
got lost or will show up eventually.   Anyway I text my daughter and she said 
she's getting subcutaneous infusions not IVs.   It's called Hqvia.  It's IgG 
plus hyluronidase to get into the tissue.   The meeting I mentioned she went to 
had patients that had done both the IVs and the subc infusion and compared the 
two.   The subc infusion is done at ur home.   The nurse comes to ur house and 
gives it to u and even teaches u to do it yourself eventually.   It takes a 
while,kind of like a blood transfusion, and the dose starts at 10 (she didn't 
say 10 what tho) first week, second wk 20, two weeks later 30, and final 40 
every 4 weeks.   She said to have them slow down the infusions and put ice 
while doing.   Use 12mm needles instead of 9mm and premeditated with Tylenol 
1000mg and Benadryl 50mg.   This is the way they're doing it for her.   I think 
the subcutaneous infusions is somewhat knew and more convenient.   I would 
think the IV is fine but probably need a lower dose and pre medicate last key 
she mentioned.

Hope this helps.


Sent from my iPad

> On Jun 7, 2016, at 3:51 PM, cassidy <pcassi...@tx.rr.com> wrote:
> Full dose.  First one wasn't too bad .. was tired for a couple of days and 
> that was it .. This third one has completely wiped me out.   I called the 
> infusion center and they mentioned a lower dose.  I'm seeing the doc next 
> week.  I'm not sure I will continue this.  :/  The buildup sure sounds a lot 
> more sensible.  
>> On 6/7/2016 5:25 PM, wanda85...@yahoo.com wrote:
>> One more thought:   They don't start with a full dose.   Did u get the full 
>> dose at the beginning?   My daughter did not.   They start with a low dose 
>> and I think she got another in two weeks (not absolutely sure of time frame) 
>> with a little more in the second dose and so forth until she gets the full 
>> dose.   Then it's only one infusion a month I believe.   I don't think she's 
>> even reached the full dose yet.   I do remember her         commenting the 
>> second caused a little more itching and a little more tired, but nothing she 
>> couldn't handle.   She gets her infusion on a Friday and then sleeps most of 
>> the weekend.  
>> Gail
>> Sent from my iPad
>> On Jun 7, 2016, at 11:54 AM, cassidy <pcassi...@tx.rr.com> wrote:
>>> Wanda, thanks for the info.  Yes, blood work shows deficiency.  This is day 
>>> 7 after 3rd infusion and I am just miserable.  I am itching all over, I am 
>>> weak, felt like I would pass out yesterday .. today just very very tired.  
>>> maybe I'm allergic to the product..
>>> I am familiar with the LC... will get that started.  
>>>  I'm due for another infusion in 2 weeks.  I'm trying to determine if it's 
>>> worth it. 
>>> So wonderful that it worked for your daughter.  
>>>> On 6/7/2016 11:35 AM, wanda85...@yahoo.com wrote:
>>>> Hi Pat,
>>>> My daughter just started on them; I think she's had 4 so far.  