... I sent this to Debbie before realizing how much correction it needed due to intrusive unwelcome annoying fighting for control of the Damned virtual keyboard on my phone because of auto correct suggestions an unauthorized word and phrase replacements. wtf is with Google and whoever the developers are making the crap NOT able to be turned off with a selection in settings?
So I'm going to go through it below fix that leak no week at least God damn you no not a week just at least go away you piece of crap see what I mean?
I'm trying to say I'm going to clean up the forwarded post below for General consumption I hope it actually comes out to say something close to what I thought I wrote:
---------- Forwarded message -------

> Well speaking as a wallpaper hanger painter & Carpenter who's read a lot of lists & articcles for a long time, i really don't know how to answer that except to say that the silver operates two ways: upon your immune system in general, and as a direct kill biocide.  Sometimes people's immune systems are good enough for the silver to get them over the top and get a cure but that's really rare.  For direct kill it's great for cleaning the blood; apparently it's not so great at getting enough silver ions inside cells in the liver where hepatitis virus are replicating then bursting open cells and spreading throughout the system invading another cell starting the process over again with this process accelerating....  silver inside the body is usually combined with something, usually in the form of insoluble salts that are created quickly and only release silver ions in solution depending upon their solubility level. that something has to release silver ions in the close proximity of the cell & before it gets recombined into some other insoluble compound must get in contact with that cell and be carried through its metalloprotein Pathways inside, contact the virus & Damage it.  Meanwhile that viruse has already produced 50 clones of itself and they're producing more and that cell's going to rupture and those virus will travel the body and find a new home unless they're stopped. drinking Homebrew ionic cs is not a good way of getting the concentration of silver sufficient in the blood that's effective at doing this.  You need nanoparticles and lots of them in blood that act as Reservoir for the release of silver ions, hopefully we're needed at the right time.
with Ionic CS most of it is wasted and passes right through you because of its interaction with the stomach acid.  what is assimilated into the blood immediately becomes more silver chloride or something else that doesn't act nearly as well as silver nanoparticles for the releasing of silver ions.... 
> Current reading that I've been doing indicates that it might have had a better outcome for me when I megadosed and experimented on myself intently for a year if I had tried what's going on with current research and believed in true colloids.... 
> If you take your Homebrew & add heat plus a reducing agent like dextrose you can turn your ions into nanoparticles.  Stabilize them with something that keeps them from growing into larger particles by combining with other nanoparticles or ions, and encapsulate that with an outer coating that resists stomach acid effectively & carries nanoparticles through the stomach into the small intestine where that coating is removed and the silver is assimilated into the body. silver nanoparticles in the body act as the best reservoir for release of silver ions where needed. the only way to get enough of those nanoparticles is to raise the body's blood level and keep it there..  encapsulated nanoparticles can have better than 50% assimilation rate whereas the little bit of nanoparticles and whatever ions you get from ionic solution that doesn't get wasted immediately is somewhere way under 20%?
> And then the hepatitis virus is mostly in the liver but not exclusively; there's something I don't know anything about called "peripheral blood mononuclear cells" which seems to be somewhere that the virus can hide away and come out to repopulate the body again later?
> The story is similar with HIV except HIV is reputed to concentrate in unreachable places in the intestinal linings ?
> After 10 years of using clear to light yellow ionic solution happily I now finally understand what I wish I would have known then:  ionic Homebrew is best used topically.  inside the body you need to take in nanoparticles to get the ions you need and that is done by reducing ions to nanoparticles & encapsulating them.  This isn't that hard to do... it does make a little more complex bunch of recipes it also gets interesting when you use things like plant phenols & medicinal herbs to reduce and stabilize.
> On Aug 1, 2016 5:21 AM, Deborah Gerard <devorah...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> No I did not see your response...why is it that CS cannot help with the Hep C? My doctor told me they use anti-parasites to kill the virus...how can big pharmacy drugs get into the liver and kill the virus but natural means cannot?
>> Thanks much,
>> Debbie
>> On Monday, August 1, 2016 5:35 AM, bobLists <bobli...@att.net> wrote:
>> debbie-   i don't remember if i go9t the point across for you here or not...
>> CSilver can keep you symptom-free and feeling fine but it will NOT get to the virus inside liver cells and other places in the body adequately to give SVR a cure.  while managing symptoms with CS, LDN, diet, clean living, exercise.... the virus is still damaging the liver and can/will still progress through fibrosis into cirhossis, and beyond... you don't stay symptom free with cirhossis though.
>> unless you are one of the few blessed with a powerful and talented immune system the best of the natural med world isn't going to deliver what you need, which is to clear the virus and stay that way to stop progression towards liver failure/cancer.
>> the new big pharma drugs for hepC work great, few to no side effects, short tx time...  cost/access can be the worst problem.
>> ________________________________
>> From: Dan Nave [mailto:bhangcha...@gmail.com]
>> Sent: Friday, July 22, 2016 2:14 PM
>> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
>> Subject: Re: CS>Hep C
>> <http://holisticprimarycare.net/topics/topics-o-z/vitamins-a-supplements/380-triple-antioxidant-combo-improves-outcomes-in-patients-who-have-hepatitis-c.html>
>> This article indicates "A triple antioxidant protocol combining alpha-lipoic acid, selenium, and silymarin can improve outcomes in patients with hepatitis C, in some cases averting the need for conventional interferon/ribavirin treatment or liver transplant, said Burt Berkson, MD, at the annual meeting of the American Holistic Medical Association."
>> The protocol and dosages are indicated in the article.  Also, it is not overly expensive if you get the ingredients at a decent supplier.
>> Dan
>> On Sun, Jul 17, 2016 at 10:46 AM, Ron <ron....@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On 7/16/2016 7:53 PM, Deborah Gerard wrote:
>>> > Can anyone comment for me about Hep C....if just found out I have it and I have been taking CS for ten years...I have no symptoms and had testing done yesterday and see doc for the first time Tuesday...I was selling my blood plasma and they did routine testing and discovered it.
>>> > Any information you can give me on how to go after this naturally would be appreciated I refuse to take any of Big Pharmacy drugs.
>>> > Thanks in advance,
>>> >
>>> > Debbie
>>> A Google " vitamin C for Hep C " Looks promising.
>>> 1st hit on my search was http://www.doctoryourself.com/hepatitis.html
>>> Good luck.
>>> Ron
>>> --
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