At 08:28 PM 11/05/1999 -0500, you wrote:
Anyway, I tried CS alone (since I don't have any aloe vera gel or juice on
hand and haven't been out anywhere to get any) on a particularly nasty and
all too visible wart I have. Within days, it's fading dramatically. This is
especially wonderful not JUST because it's embarrassing, but also because I
had this wart surgically removed a year ago (obviously not completely
removed), and because it had not succumbed to my favorite herbal remedy for
warts (T-WRT by Dial Herbs). I'm thrilled. It's not totally gone yet, but I
couldn't wait to share my glee (and thanks to whoever it was that posted
that message).

I'll share a tip, and ask if there are any other tips people could share
about this issue. It's been frustrating to me to try to use CS for topical
applications. It's so water-y it doesn't stay put. I'd been concerned (need
I be??) about combining CS with anything -- like creams or ointments which
might help it stay put.

Cotton balls are cumbersome and seem to dry out, gauze dries out, etc. The
aloe vera juice or gel idea may be a good way to keep CS *put* in one place
for a while, but I've found another -- use small cosmetic pads used as
facial cleansers. They seem to hold the liquid very well. I've been cutting
very small squares and using a plain bandaid to anchor the small piece of
cosmetic pad where I want it. Periodically, I use a small eye dropper to
slip under the bandaid and re-wet the piece of cosmetic pad. This keeps the
area as continuously wet as I can stand.

Any other ideas or more or less continuous topical applications?

Thanks to all --

Patricia S.

I have been doing the same thing but using a small patch of cotton on a bandaid. Not on a wart mind you but on what looks very suspiciously like a basil cell cancer on the bridge of my nose. I found a picture of a basil cell cancer on the bridge of a nose on the net at the University of Utah and it looked so much like what I have, the picture could have been taken of my nose. The colloidal silver alone stopped it's growth but that was it, it held it's own. I added MSM to the colloid and it is decreasing in size now. Like you, I use an eyedropper to keep it moist with more colloid.


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