Liz Pavek wrote:
> I tried the usual bandaid/CS on a wart on the side of my left
> forefinger.  For over a week I kept it saturated, (carried a little
> dropper bottle of CS everywhere) but when I removed the bandaid, the
> wart was unchanged.  Perhaps it's the TYPE of wart.  It's a flat,
> almost "smooth" wart that I have had since I was a child.  Any tips
> would be very gratefully accepted.
> Liz
   Hi Liz,
 Sam says, could be a mole or wart. They are two different things.
 Warts are caused by a virus, over 60 types of human papillomavirus
(HPV) are known.
 A mole on the other hand is not caused by a virus, its genetic in
 Your discription indicates a mole, but the only sure way to tell is by
clinical examination (cut out a snip). The fact that the CS did nothing
also leads to being a mole.
  Here are some types of moles;
 *Lentigo* is flat, uniformally pigmented, brown to black spot. Does not
change with sun exposure.
 *Junctional nevi* are flat or slightly elevated, light brown to nearly
 *Compound nevi* are dark and considerably elevated.
 *Intradermal nevi* are flesh colored to black, elevated, and may be
smooth, hairy or warty.
 *Halo nevi* are pigmented moles, usually compound or intradermal,
surrounded by a ring of depigmented skin.
*Dysplastic nevi* are irregular, pigmented from tan to dark brown on a
pink background.
  Moles are not dangerous UNLESS they ENLARGE suddenly, DARKEN, or
become INFLAMED, show COLOR change or BLEEDING, ULCERATE, ITCH, or
become PAINFUL. Then an immediate biopsy should be done to see if it has
become a melanomas (tumorous). If so it needs to be removed as soon as

   Bless you  Bob Lee
oozing on the muggy shore of the gulf coast

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