Thanks Dan. This is ionic silver? Isn't that not as quality?

On Friday, December 2, 2016, Dan Nave <> wrote:

> <>
> Something like this would be good.  This is from a good and reliable
> supplier.  I'm sure there are other suppliers around as well with good
> product, but this is the sort of colloidal silver that I would recommend.
> Use about a Tablespoon at a time and gargle with it for strep throat.  Try
> to keep it in the mouth/throat for as long as possible since it only works
> when it is in contact with the bacteria, etc.  Swallow small amounts until
> it is gone.
> Do it every half hour for a while then every hour.  Next day, perhaps, do
> something like 4 times.  There is no set protocol, use your judgement.
> You could add 10% of DMSO to the CS just before you put it in your mouth
> so it will penetrate better.
> On Thu, Dec 1, 2016 at 11:57 AM, Aaron Gannon <
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');>> wrote:
>> Hi! I'm a newbie to the group. Two questions:
>> 1. Someone I know has strep throat (resulting from a case of syphilis
>> that has since been cured) and wants pure calloidal silver. What is the
>> best dosage and where can it be purchased without fear of the product being
>> low quality.
>> 2. Is there a way to see an archive of topics discussed so I can learn
>> more about calloidal silver. I'm very aware now the medical establishment
>> has been hijacked by money and I'd like to see some conscious people's
>> thoughts on calloidal silver as a remedy.
>> Thank you!
>> Aaron