From: Aaron Gannon <aarongan...@gmail.com>
Sent: Saturday, 3 December 2016 10:54 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>newbie question
Thanks Dan. This is ionic silver? Isn't that not as quality?
My opinion is Ionic is the best. Both have their applications, the particulate
or the so called "Colloidal Silver" and the Ionic product. A lot of people
state that Ionic should not be ingested, for whatever reason I don't care, but
it's complete BS. Some may argue that, but not with me <g>.
One family member had red colouration of the throat and white lesions on the
tonsils, or looked like ulcers, which is called Tonsillitis here, or Strep
Throat wherever you are I guess. She gargled my home made product, Ionic, and
did that several times during the day, swallowing after gargling it, she was as
right as rain shortly. There is no doubt it cleared it up in very quick time.
Ionic is fine, but of course I wouldn't drink a 44 gallon drum of it each day.
My opinion and observations.