Hi Kathy,I emailed you but never heard anything.  Sending again...Thanks.PT

      From: Kathy Tankersley <babychicks...@gmail.com>
 To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2017 3:58 PM
 Subject: Re: CS>h. Pylori
I have a good protocol for H Plyori if you email me, I may be able to send it 
to you.    Kathy

On Wed, Feb 22, 2017 at 2:18 PM, Jean Baugh <oldgloryte...@srcaccess.net> wrote:

My sister has all the symptoms of h. Pylori and one night, she was all but dead 
from pain and vomiting.  The emergency room suspected h. Pylori but didn’t find 
the bug.  SQ saline was the main thing, plus pain med that brought her back.
It comes back at times so her main things now are CS at 4 ounces at a time 
every few hours, and Tagamet.
Her husband died with this contagious disease because it was not found by the 
VA and they had plenty of time to diagnose it.  The one thing that seemed to 
work for his pain was Tagamet but my sister had to twist the doctor’s arm to 
get it.   CS was not known about by us then.
Hi,  Does anyone have any good approaches to dealing with h. Pylori infection?  

Has anyone had experience with CS and this bug?Thanks.PT