Yes, Jason, 
Sticking with the existing Procmail/Smartmail  setup would be the 
Technically that could be done by a moderator who gets all the "other" emails 
sent to the 
Silverlist Admin email address <> The moderator (moderators) 
need Mike to give them enough info (passwords etc) to manage the list on his 

I'm reading between lines but I think support staff find that 
hosting Procmail is a bit 
of a pain for them. 


On 5 Jun 2017 at 15:17, Jason wrote about :
Subject : Re: CS>re: Mike is Well

> Hi Itguy:
> I agree that remaining on a private list server is the best option; here 
> at Eskimo or elsewhere.  I wish Mike would turn over control, that would 
> make everything simple.
> I run several facebook groups, and as a forum, it is really terrible.  
> It's very difficult to save/find threads.  It's really set up as a 
> social platform, not an informational platform.
> I don't like any of the "groups" websites out there for list servers, 
> especially since it is so easy to set up a secure and private list 
> server on an independent domain.  Their privacy policy is only valid up 
> to the next buyout.  Most of these companies exist solely with an exit 
> strategy in mind.
> Mailman is open source and free to use, and is almost identical to 
> Eskimo's system.  It's very efficient and relatively easy to customize 
> and set up.
> ~Jason
> On 6/5/2017 3:02 PM, Itguy wrote:
> > I agree - it's really not going to work with Mike not coming back. One 
> > thing I disagreed with Mike about in the past was his publishing of 
> > the list contents in an open archive. I do not feel that is conducive 
> > for privacy, security and anonymity for anyone. In this day and age we 
> > really need to be aware of such things. Especially with a topic where 
> > people have been suppressed/harassed/stalked about such as alternative 
> > remedies and such..
> >
> > Speaking as a Senior IT Security Engineer -
> >
> > I'd be inclined to agree with Facebook with a major caveat...  There 
> > could be some concerns with privacy and security on Facebook as it's 
> > widely known facebook aggregates telemetry with other sources 
> > including CIA funded WPP and others. Facebook will offer absolutely no 
> > privacy/security and anonymity for anyone.. So if you go there, 
> > remember that you'll likely lose people and folks will be less 
> > inclined to share their thoughts in an open fashion.
> >
> > Yahoo is definately out of the question as Yahoo themselves built a 
> > backdoor into their systems for the US Intel cartels and has  a 
> > history of 'repeated' hacks. Yahoo should never be considered for 
> > anything, even email.
> >
> > one is probably the best option for now. But I am convinced 
> > Mike isn't ready to give up control even if he isn't interested in 
> > moderating or even reading the list.
> >
> > The most simple solution would be for someone to take over this list.. 
> > I will assist financially to 'pay the bills' if someone can convince 
> > Mike to turn over the reigns.. I think he would trust myself or 
> > Marshall to take over ownership because he knows both of us 
> > personally. If I took it over I would allocate moderators to assist 
> > and advise me and just pay the bills.
> >
> >
> >
> > On Mon, Jun 5, 2017, at 02:44 PM, Steve G wrote:
> >> In that case, since he isn't cooperating, this group should just 
> >> migrate to a new platform as best we can.  Yahoo groups are still out 
> >> there and seem to still thrive. Facebook is another possibility, but 
> >> that forces everyone to  have a Facebook account.
> >>
> >> The status quo of having a group that the owner is neglecting just 
> >> doesn't work.
> >>
> >> Steve
> >>
> >> **
> >>
> >> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >> **From:** Jason <>
> >> **To:**
> >> **Sent:** Monday, June 5, 2017 2:31 PM
> >> **Subject:** CS>re: Mike is Well
> >>
> >> ...Mike should turn over the account to someone willing to manage it.
> >>
> >> ...or, the list should be transferred to another host before it shuts
> >> off one day.
> >>
> >> I don't mind running a list, there are some good free list server
> >> software packages that can be run from any domain.
> >>
> >> ~Jason
> >>
> >>
> >> On 6/5/2017 5:43 AM, Itguy wrote:
> >>
> >> > Unfortunately I cannot offer any further assistance.
> >> >
> >> > Mike doesn't have any willingness to manage the list any longer. After
> >> > I explained to him the concerns from list members and the need for him
> >> > to admin the list he said for now he will keep paying the bills but
> >> > can't many any further promises. I told him I would advise that he
> >> > simply delete his entire inbox at his email address and start anew.
> >> > He's too far behind to even attempt to parse through what may amount
> >> > to multiple thousands of emails after many years of neglect. Then once
> >> > deleted he can 'keep up' by checking his list and inbox a couple of
> >> > times a week...
> >> >
> >> > It's been nearly 2 weeks since I made my wellness trip to his home and
> >> > he hasn't checked his email to cleaned out the box, it's still filled
> >> > up. I don't think he took my advice. Mike uses Gmail now but didn't
> >> > provide me with that address so I have no way to reach him other than
> >> > his cell phone number. (should he answer) To be honest, I suspect Mike
> >> > isn't even involved with CS any longer.
> >> >
> >> > All I can say at this point is there isn't anything you can do about
> >> > this list other than to let it deprecate and possibly manually move
> >> > people to a new list. Sorry I cannot be of further help.
> >> >
> >> > --
> >> >    Itguy
> >> > <>
> >>
> >>
> >> --
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