
      From: Jean Baugh <>
 Sent: Sunday, July 16, 2017 8:15 PM
 Subject: CS>Nebulizer and food grade 3% hydrogen peroxide
I used to have a cough so bad over several months that I could not complete a 
sentence without coughing.  What was it?  No idea but pharma didn’t have 
anything that was effective and yes, even went to a rut trained doctor.  I got 
dead serious at that point and used a battery operated palm sized Omron 
nebulizer, tried CS, strong saline solution, forget two more, and then…tried 3% 
food grade, hydrogen peroxide in the nebulizer.  My MO is to get to the point, 
so took a big deep breath and promptly lost my breath from coughing so hard.  
When things got back to normal, had time to think about it and took small 
shallow breaths but inhaling deeply, over a period of about a week.  What ever 
that was, went away and never came back.  I’m pretty sure it cured just about 
everything but people need to do their own research.
Of course Wikipedia and Snopes are always handy if you want pharma’s take about 
using alternatives.
I also need a really good nasal spray.  CS alone just doesn't do 
it!Thanks.Blessings, PT