If you are using CS in your mouth daily then that will make you loose taste
for obvious reasons (it kills the bacteria in the mouth which should be
there and which contribute to the taste when eating) but it is reversible.
I just abstain from CS a week or two.


2018-05-12 6:10 GMT+02:00 David Bearrow <chip...@verizon.net>:

> Hello Debbie,
> I’m certainly no expert nor a doctor but I notice you started losing
> tastes just about as spring came around and all the plants and trees
> started spewing pollen into the air. Might it be that allergies have gotten
> to you and enflamed your sinus which can effect your taste?
> If you think this might be true I recommend you cleanse your liver.
> http://www.drclark.net/cleanses/advanced/liver-cleanse-page/liver-cleanse-
> recipe
> Dr Hulda Clark gave this simple recipe for cleaning the liver. It works.
> Its truth. I have mitigated my lifelong horrible alergy to grass using this
> method.
> There is a forum at https://www.curezone.org/.
> David Bearrow chip...@verizon.net
> On Friday, May 11, 2018, STEVE LEVINE <scl...@cox.net> wrote:
> Hi Debbie,
> That doesn't sound like normal aging to me. It could be a pinched nerve
> going to the taste buds in the upper cervical vertebrae. A good chiro could
> take care of that if that is the issue. If it is pathogenic/parasites then
> a zapper and antiparasitics would be helpful.
> Thanks
> Steve
> www.energyhealersteve.com
> 702-768-1804
> On May 11, 2018 at 8:32 PM Deborah Gerard <devorah...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Can you all comment for me please,
> I am going to be 67 next month and in the last year or more I have really
> noticed a dive in my ability to taste things. Is this normal part of aging?
> I eat real clean no gmo's, no wheat, no diary, no processed foods, filter
> my water that is all I drink, take all the vitamins and minerals and make
> CS and take that daily...no hair dye no deodorant no non-stick cookware.
> I cut out sugar and I notice if I eat at someones house say a desert I am
> totally miserable the next day all day with incredible pressure in my
> head...could I have parasites maybe?
> Thanks tons in advance,
> Debbie...Happy Mother's Day to all you ladies too

André Juthe
Myrvägen 26
74732 Alunda