Mercury is a heavy metal, silver is noble metal..doctors have even injecting 
gold compounds into the joints of arthritic patients for decades. Gold too is a 
noble metal. I bet this Facebook friend has no problem trusting in the vaccines 
and drugs that doctors prescribe that are loaded with stuff like aluminum and 
Thimerosal just for starters and never once research their horrid side affects.

    On Monday, January 13, 2020, 06:26:17 PM EST, Neville Munn 
<> wrote:  
  #yiv3991808768 P {margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;}I look at it this way Ken.
Firstly, everything one consumes nowadays by mouth, be it 
fruit/vegetables/meat, and even the air we breathe, are all contaminated by 
"something" in the Western society and diet.
Secondly, the majority of the population today are incapable of taking 
responsibility for themselves, and cannot think for themselves.  They would 
rather point the finger at media, studies, agenda's etc, instead of thinking 
and researching and acting for themselves. (opinion)
Your FB friend has probably read and heard the same old rubbish which has been 
bantered around for decades.
I've been taking an amount of this stuff every morning for over 15 years, and 
I'm not mental yet.  Others might disagree, but good luck to them <g>.
Life is a risk my friend, live it.
From: Ken & Nancy Bagwell <>
Sent: Tuesday, 14 January 2020 6:25 AM
To: Silverlist Post <>
Subject: CS>Does silver lodge in organs? Hi all,
It has been several years since I posted here.
I have a Facebook friend who claims colloidal silver might be bad because it is 
foreign to the human body, and like mercury can lodge in the brain, silver can 
lodge in organs when taken internally. Is this true, or are there any studies 
talking about that or if it is dangerous somehow?

-Ken Bagwell
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android