Happy New Year Nev - I hope you are keeping well away from those fires down 
under !!!!!
Peace, love, happiness and good health be yours for 2020
Sandee šŸ¬
An Attitude of Gratitude & Awareness is Everything!!!
Life Wave X39 patch -  www.lifewave.com/sandygeorge    
I Buumerang -  xandee.ibuumerang.com
Alive Again Colloidal Silver Products Topical Gel & Eye Drops
oha...@juno.com & or san...@spiceisle.com

On Jan 16, 2020, at 7:37 PM, Neville Munn <one.red...@hotmail.com> wrote:

From what I have read, EDTA chelates calcium also?  How much? I don't know, but 
I certainly wouldn't want to be messing with my calcium.

Selenium has shown to counteract toxicity of heavy metals, AND to a limited 
extent 'silver'?  So, what form of Selenium?  I don't know, and don't really 
care <g>.

So who, or what, can one believe?  Perhaps some use Selenium as being a good 
idea, but seemingly it counteracts with silver?

There is never enough information given from people when statements are made 
regarding a whole range of stuff.  I'll just continue with what I have been 
doing for years I think.

My motto is...."I live in my own little world.  But it's OK, they all know me 

It's better for people to think about things more, based on that, then they can 
make their own decisions, for better or for worse, the human species body is a 
delicate mechanism. (opinion)


From: Jean Baugh <oldgloryte...@srcaccess.net 
Sent: Friday, 17 January 2020 6:46 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com <mailto:silver-list@eskimo.com> 
<silver-list@eskimo.com <mailto:silver-list@eskimo.com>>
Subject: CS>EDTA to chelate heavy metals
H Phil,

I take Natureā€™s Way Selenium, 200 mg.  On the back it says it is 
I duck-ducked if Selenium is a heavy metal.  The answer is yes.

Then asked if what I have is natural but they canā€™t just say yes or no, but it 
implied it was natural.

So, if Selenium is a heavy metal and you have too much of it, my thought is 
some EDTA to chelate.  Swanson has this.  I take potassium with this because a 
toxicologist told me to.   My question to the doctor was would EDTA take out 

Amazing what heavy metals are.  I would never have guessed aluminum is a heavy 
