You could look for a test called Oligoscan which a practitioner can administer  I checked a US site and it said it cost under $170

I think I may have mentioned that my new complementary physician gave us (= sold us)  Quicksilver Liposomal EDTA with R Lipoic Acid to treat high level mercury in the body. "Quicksilver Delivery Systems".

Oligoscan (spectrophotometry of palmar dermis) showed 'high +' Mercury, Antimony, Silver, Cadmium and 'High' Aluminium, arsenic, Barium, Beryllium, Bismuth and lead  The report stated overall Intoxication was unsatisfactory at 89% And said Blockage suspicion for heavy metals elimination; possibly from lack of sulfur conjugation. Showed deficiency in Mg.  Oxidative Aggression unsatisfacoty 100% and Oxidatiave Protection good at 76%. K/Na low with ratio of 0.22

I've observed recently that 'normal' tests via local Drs show normal normal whereas blood tests ordered by complementary Dr give more complete or different results, and other tests give results one would not get at all locally.

www.oligoscan net

The *Oligo* *Scan* is another valuable, noninvasive test  Using spectrophotometry, light is sent through particular areas of tissue of the hand and results in a bar graph report noting deficiencies and excesses of minerals, trace elements, and heavy metals.

Instant measurements of minerals, trace elements, oxidative stress and toxic metals. Oligoscan can be used by all health specialists allowing for rapid and pain free analysis.

The measurement is taken directly by a portable spectrometer connected to a computer

Evaluation of trace minerals reserves, the level of oxidative stress and toxic metals

 * Instant mineral analysis
 * A way to detect deficiency/excess in minerals and potential toxic
   metal poisoning
 * A comprehensive and customized assessment aiming to optimize your
   patient’s healthcare approach (laboratory tests, nutrition,
   nutritional supplements, physical activity, etc.) offering effective
 * Specific needs adaptable service

 * The spectrometer – a measuring device connected to a computer or a
   tablet via USB plugs
 * Web application (compatible with Windows and Mac OS)
 * Personal and secure remote access to the server


This is a quantitative analytical method of measuring the absorption or the optical density of a chemical.

It is based on the principle of absorption, transmission or reflection of light by the chemical compounds over a certain wavelength range.

Spectrophotometry is used in many areas : chemicals, pharmaceuticals, environment, food, biology, medical / clinical, industrial and others.

In the medical field, spectrophotometry is used to examine blood or tissue.


The Oligoscan is a reliable and scientifically proven tool..

A set of tests and comparative studies have been made by researchers highlighting a correlation between the results of the Oligoscan and those performed in the laboratory.

    Patient's physiological data is entered
    Patient dermis is scanned by spectrometry
    Oligoscan application processes and analyses data
    Data is sent and stored on a secure server, allowing for further monitoring
    Results are available on your computer / tablet

The mineral intake

    Effects of thirty elements on bone metabolism
    Zinc in gut-brain interaction in autism and neurological disorders
    Magnesium in Prevention and Therapy
    Cancer-vitamins-minerals: Complex relation
    Bone and Nutrition. A novel function of phosphorus
    Recommendations for Manganese Supplementation to Adult Patients Receiving Long-Term Home Parenteral Nutrition     Dietary Reference Intakes for Vitamin A, Vitamin K, Arsenic, Boron, Chromium, Copper, Iodine, Iron, Manganese, Molybdenum, Nickel, Silicon, Vanadium, and Zinc     Dietary Reference Intakes for Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Vitamin D, and Fluoride

Toxic metals

    Toxicity, mechanism and health effects of some heavy metals
    Biomedical implications of heavy metals induced imbalances in redox systems
    Perspectives in endocrine toxicity of heavy metals
    The Epigenetic Effects of Prenatal Cadmium Exposure
    Oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction in aluminium neurotoxicity and its amelioration
    Mechanisms of cadmium carcinogenicity in the gastrointestinal tract
    Insight into the oxidative stress induced by lead and/or cadmium in blood, liver and kidneys

Oxidative stress

    The Impact of Non-Enzymatic Reactions and Enzyme Promiscuity on Cellular Metabolism during (Oxidative) Stress Conditions
    Oxidative stress, mitochondrial damage and diabetic retinopathy
    The impact of base excision DNA repair in age-related neurodegenerative diseases     A mitochondrial superoxide theory for oxidative stress diseases and aging     Inflammation, oxidative stress and renin angiotensin system in atherosclerosis     The Role of Oxidative Damage in the Pathogenesis and Progression of Alzheimer's Disease and Vascular Dementia

On 20/01/2020 8:34 pm, RaVen Sequoia wrote:
Curious, about heavy metals --- my allopathic doctor told me I have no heavy metal toxicity from bloodwork.