I just tell them the truth I have ME and react really badly to
vaccinations. I only take medication if it's absolutely necessary, for
instance I have PA so get B12 shots every 8 weeks, can't live without them.
I'm in Scotland so it might be a bit different here, they just have to
offer it but are quite happy to mark down that you refused.

On Tue, 21 Jan 2020, 22:54 Victor Cozzetto, <victor.cozze...@gmail.com>

> I would tell them that I already had it, and that I know they have
> incentives to reach certain vaccine quotas. I would definitely find another
> doctor, as they clearly do not have your interest in mind. Doctor's get
> PAID incentives to push vaccines, so they have no motivation to get
> educated or listen to the patient. It is a grotesque situation, and
> vaccinations do far more harm than good.
> Nobody will ever stick a needle in my arm again, unless it is in a trauma
> situation and I am unconscious. Besides, I have CS, and haven't been sick
> since (15 years). Obviously nothing better than CS.
> Victor