The yellow color just means that there are some particles that are bigger
than an ion.--Not a concern.
Probably 90% are ionic and will do the same as if it was clear.
People worry to much about absolutely nothing and that causes many other
health problems, it's called stress.

On Mon, Mar 9, 2020 at 7:33 AM Williams <> wrote:

> HELP!!   Is there anyone in the New York City area with a Silver Puppy
> that can help me get mine going????  Had it two years and have made only
> made two batches both yellow.   Jusssst can't drink that.  So Ode told me
> how to avoid that.   But still can't seem to do what everyone else does
> with ease -- operate my Puppy.  I'm in the Bronx NY.   Koodyah gimme a
> call?  917 569-5256?   Just need some advice.    Gladys    PS  I'm so good
> at most stuff.  I don't know why I cant seem to get this right.
> On February 22, 2020 at 12:26 PM Deborah Gerard <>
> wrote:
> Awesome testimony for your client dying of lung cancer is a horrible way
> to go. I agree about these claims people are making that their product is
> the only way to to.
> On Saturday, February 22, 2020, 04:58:16 AM EST, Victor Cozzetto <
>> wrote:
> I nebulize my own colloidal silver from my Silverpuppy.
> I had a terminal stage 3/4 lung cancer client do the same, after two
> hospitals told her she had 6 to 12 weeks to live.
> She was coughing blood when I met her.
> She was in Hawaii on vacation 4 months later. No coughing.
> I'm not worried about Coronavirus or any other diseases.
> Sad to see other CS people trying to say their stuff is the 'only' one.
> Just a bunch of FUD.
> Victor
> On Sat, Feb 22, 2020 at 5:36 PM Neville Munn <>
> wrote:
> Hmmm, and from a personal perspective, why can't one use a nasal spray
> full of our 'home grown' silver I ask?  Here in Australia, they are talking
> about some propriety concoction administered via nasal spray...Well, what's
> new, I don't see any difference between "their" product and what we make in
> our homes?
> N.
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Dan Nave <>
> *Sent:* Saturday, 22 February 2020 3:02 PM
> *To:* <>
> *Subject:* CS>Chinese Using “Silver Fogger Machine” to Beat Coronavirus
> Silver Edge article on the Chinese Using “Silver Fogger Machine” to Beat
> Coronavirus