Personally, America looks really good!  My appreciation is all the more,
having spent 20 years in sub-Saharan Africa.  For example, in so much of
that part of the world, woman are viewed as inferior.  Husbands are not
compelled to pay child support! Girls are subjected to FGM!

One may see American government as bad but how very simplistic!  This may
suggest an ignorance about so much of the rest of the world.

The bigger problem may well be the way that those who have advantages,
money, power or whatever, take advantage of those without these.  We should
not by quite so myopic in our observations.  Truthseekers need to be
inquisitive and engage.

On Wed, Apr 8, 2020, 12:54 PM James Osbourne Holmes <> wrote:

> As long as you remain a U.S. citizen you have not rights, standing,
> capacity or status.
> If you wish to recover those basic rights see:
> James Osbourne Holmes
> a/k/a *Red Pill Media*
> The American States Assembly
> New Mexico  Assembly Deputy Coordinator
> The Santa Fe County  Assembly Coordinator
> *http://t <http://t>
> <>*
> h <>ttp://
> This private email and any attachment(s) is covered by the Electronic
> Communications Privacy Act, 18 USC 25-10-2521 and is for the sole use of
> the intended recipient and contains privileged and/or confidential
> information. No monitoring of my email or other means of surveillance,
> electronic and otherwise, is permitted and I reserve all my rights, without
> recourse and without prejudice, nunc pro tunc.  I do not consent to anyone
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> On Tue, Apr 7, 2020 at 9:32 AM Da Darrin <> wrote:
>> "Can't Handle the Truth"    I've been hearing this kind of truth for over
>> 50 years and absolutely nothing has come of it.
>> The perps of this kind of BS never apologise when it doesn't happen, they
>> just make up another scenario.
>> The sky isn't falling folks, it already is sitting solidly on the ground.
>> Dave
>> On Tue, Apr 7, 2020 at 7:25 AM Ron <> wrote:
>>> Well every word is verifiable truth. But then some people just "Can't
>>> Handle the Truth".
>>> Ron
>>> Now I know why your posts always appear in the spam folder.
>>> Dave
>>> On Mon, Apr 6, 2020 at 5:21 PM Deborah Gerard <>
>>> wrote:
>>> LOL there have been no arrests and the only one Trump is calling for is
>>> Maduro's vile Trump can waltz in flat out steal their oil..Trump
>>> has not stopped Monsanto from poisoning the hell out of our food supply
>>> hasn't stopped can bet he will make everyone vaccinate for
>>> this so called virus..his EPA is polluting the living hell out of the air,
>>> water and land. Hillary was at his inauguration and he gets up and say...WE
>>> ARE BEST FRIENDS...hahahahahaa
>>> Amazes me the stupidity of people today buying the Q crap we are going
>>> down..Kissinger and Gates are calling for vaccines and a global government
>>> Trump will hand us over on a silver platter cause he works for them...Henry
>>> Kissinger & Bill Gates Call For Mass Vaccination & Global Governance
>>> <>