Hello Marsha,
I have found that a daily walk for about an hour has kept my illness at bay.
I went without colds and flu for three straight years, until I was laid up
with a surgery and eventually petered out on my walking routine.  Since not
walking, about 1/3 off my life has been consumed with fighting colds and
flu.  The last killer flu I got lasted for a full month and was really a
kick in the hind end.  I am back to walking and building my immune system up
and am learning about Colloidal silver so I can utilize it the next time I
have to fight an illness.  I am also going to use it on my rabbit, but
haven't heard a definitive suggestion  as to whether or not it is safe for a
rabbit's sensitive digestive system.  I have heard a little commentary on
rats, and I would think they are somewhat alike.  Have you (or anyone) had
experience with giving C.S. to rabbits orally?  I am not worried about
topical applications, but am concerned about ingestion because I have had to
get special antibiotics (Baytril) because the standard antibiotics could
kill him. If silver kills everything in his tummy, he would be in bad shape.

Well wishes,
-----Original Message-----
From: Marsha Hallett <liah...@pacbell.net>
To: silver-list@eskimo.com <silver-list@eskimo.com>
Date: Friday, November 12, 1999 10:10 AM
Subject: Re: CS>silver

>> Marsha,
>> A friend recently built her generator and needs silver.  Do you have any?
>> If so, please send your name/address/etc so I can get it to  her.
>> Thanks,
>> Edith
>Dear Edith, I`m here! On the mend, but I`m wondering if my CS didn`t work
>well as usual, as my batteries may be old. I also suspect that maybe it WAS
>working, but what I really have is the flu, knocked down to cold level by
>the silver... Never know. This is the first time I`ve had a cold/flu in
>alomst 2 years!!
> I`ll be ordering more silver today, as the last 4 ounces just flew outta
>here! It`ll arrive next week, and I`ll send you some when you send me an
>address to ship it to.
>I`m glad to help!
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>List maintainer: Mike Devour <mdev...@id.net>