Hi Jean.  Thank you much for the amazing info. 

Here's the thing.  I ordered an ULTRASONIC NEBULIZER.  I got a MESH nebulizer 
(3 months late from China).  I don't trust this machine don't know what the 
mesh is?  Aluminum? 

And for delivery into the lungs I think you need ULTRASONIC.  Is this true??  
That's what I'm asking.  



> On June 17, 2020 at 7:19 PM Jean Baugh <oldglorytexa...@gmail.com> wrote:
>     Hi,
>     I once had a cough so bad that both my sisters (and me too), thought I 
> had lung cancer.  I could not speak a sentence without coughing.  This had 
> come on over months and you usually don't notice things like this until it is 
> really obvious.  Doctors?  Nothing there that helped over 30 minutes and 
> certainly nothing that helped the real problem, which I think was possibly an 
> infection in my lungs.
>     I decided it was up to me and began to use an Omron nebulizer (Micro Air, 
> palm sized, battery operated and the best in my opinion), to try saturated 
> salt solution, colloidal silver, two more things that have been forgotten but 
> nothing really worked up to that point.  If I'd had a 50 ppm colloidal silver 
> machine then, perhaps it would have and I do have one of these now.  
>     BTW, Omron no longer sells their best seller and I can't buy another one 
> in case my old one stops working.  Not sure they even repair these anymore.  
> That does not make sense to me.  Why would any company stop selling their 
> best seller???
>     Finally in desperation, I used OTC 3% hydrogen peroxide and took a deep 
> breath.  I spent the next two minutes gasping for air.  When I had my breath 
> back and time to think, I realized at least this had done something visible.  
> So, I began to take shallow breaths and continued on, until I could take a 
> deep breath.  The cough disappeared and never came back.  What was it?  I 
> don't know and don't care.  I now buy and use food grade 3% hydrogen peroxide 
> from Swansons vitamins.
>     I had a friend who told about a friend of his who had COPD in the last 
> stage and he used hydrogen peroxide in his room humidifier.  He coughed up 
> tons of mucus.  I was told the man cured his COPD but I don't know more than 
> this.  This is a second hand account but the man who told me this was a 
> respected person in his field, which was not medicine; in other words, he did 
> not make up stories to impress anyone.  He passed it on to me because I'm 
> interested in alternative anything.
>     Let me pass one first hand account short story on.  I had never had 
> asthma and knew nothing about it.  One night a cold front hit with a high 
> wind.  I needed to go put out one bucket of alfalfa pellets for the animals.  
> I was very warm and figured it would only take a minute or two to do this, so 
> went out, poured the feed into the 5 gallon bucket, opened the gate, walked 
> toward the second gate, when suddenly a bunch of kids saw me and ran to me 
> and began to climb on me and the bucket.  I was trying to get them off the 
> heavy bucket and get through the gate so they wouldn't go though, when I lost 
> my breath; just could not get enough air to function.  I was cold by this 
> point.  I dropped the bucket and managed to get back to the house.  I sat in 
> the kitchen trying to breathe and at the same time, figure out what was 
> wrong.  Seemed like a long time but when you are trying to breathe, time 
> slows down.  I thought it might be asthma, due to things I'd read in the past 
> and was able to 
 get a coke that had real sugar and caffeine in it.  The asthma passed like a 
bad dream.  Those two things are what many people recommend for asthma.  
>     I wonder now if sugar alone might have done the same thing because it 
> relaxes spasms.  My husband had a hiatal hernia once and remembering sugar, 
> gave him a teaspoon and the spasm stopped.
>     My reason for the sugar is I saw a show on TV many, many years ago and 
> they showed weight lifters who could lift many hundreds of pounds of weight, 
> but when they gave them a teaspoon of sugar, they could not lift anything.  
> I'm sure this changed after awhile but that information stayed with me.
>     Anyway, I bought a Coke with real sugar and caffeine and keep it on top 
> of my refrigerator in case of another asthma attack.
>     Jean
>     On Wed, Jun 17, 2020 at 5:36 PM Williams < gwms...@optonline.net 
> mailto:gwms...@optonline.net > wrote:
>         > > 
> >         Can someone tell me if an ultrasonic nebulizer is the only or best 
> > way to inhale CS for COPD or Asthma?  Which one is best?   
> > 
> >         The new Mesh nebulizers they say is a "metal alloy" is a secret 
> > code for aluminum?
> > 
> > 
> >         Gladys Williams 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >     >