If it's okay to talk about others of the so-called alternatives I'd like to
ask that we recall the ones such as BE - Blood Electrification. ...sounds
scaredy but such a tiny current.  I seem to recall a time when Mike told us
such discussion is acceptable;  something to the effect that this is called
'the Silverlist' simply because this 'alternative' is perhaps the most

Back then there was a lot of discussion here about placing two
gauze-wrapped electrodes on either side of the big artery at ones wrist;
that the electrons (if I remember correctly) flow through the bloodstream,
killing/disabling microbes along their merry way.

What I've totally forgotten (while fending off a wide array of
disappointments) is the amount of the current and some other such details.
And I wish I could recall exactly how I helped a friend save an infected
tooth.  He was so afraid the dentist would feel compelled to pull it.

I only recall very roughly, that for two days he would run across his tooth
ever 20 minutes, whatever that tiny current was.  And was it for a minute
or two?  What I do remember is his joy and gladness when the infection
disappeared.  And isn't such remembrance a sign that people such as us have
essential 'work' to do.  Aren't we here to make joyous contribution to
creation? (...fending off ...along our merry way... the many

On Thu, Jul 2, 2020, 8:38 PM phoenix23...@tds.net <phoenix23...@tds.net>

> I must be totally weird but I LOVE OT.  lol... as long as it is about
> alternatives.  Yes, the
> occasional political statement/observation makes it's way into the
> conversation but it rarely
> lasts very long and once in a while it really, really is pertinent..  What
> does your momma
> say?  Don't talk religion or politics socially.
> It is amazing the things I have picked up from various members in various
> groups and
> their willingness to share their experiences.  As a three time cancer
> survivor, my eyes
> are always open and my ear to the ground, eagerly waiting to hear about
> the latest research
> and/or findings.  And I do like alternatives that have some solid science
> behind them
> because it is the wild, wild west 'out there' and you have to be careful,
> smart and always
> do your due diligence and homework.
> Lola
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Neville Munn <one.red...@hotmail.com>
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Sent: Wed, 01 Jul 2020 22:55:18 -0400 (EDT)
> Subject: Re: CS>Moderating
> I agree, this IS a knowledgeable group, at least we get the 'right'
> information by and large.  What concerns me the most in 2020 is that
> eventually we will disappear, one by one, by natural attrition, and I don't
> mean to sound morbid, but that's just a fact
> of life unfortunately.  Where is this List going to go then?  Some formats
> may look fancy, but the content leaves a little to be desired from my
> experience.
> In my opinion, I would not change this email format, this way it keeps a
> lot of 'undesirables' out, and it's worked well from my years
> of involvement in this Group.  For me it's not about a 'numbers' game or
> members, it's more about getting "factual" information.
>  Those who wish to learn about Silver will find this place, just as I did
> years ago.
> Sorry, I forgot to get my coat when I left before. <g>
> N.
> ------------------------------
> *From:* S Khanna <khann...@yahoo.com>
> *Sent:* Thursday, 2 July 2020 9:44 AM
> *To:* silver-list@eskimo.com <silver-list@eskimo.com>
> *Subject:* Re: CS>Moderating
> Agreed, MaryAnn. I had written and sent a note a few days ago, but it
> hasn't yet shown up in my inbox, so I guess it got lost.
> I was saying that I have been on this list a long time also and have
> really appreciated sharing issues related to health, colloidal silver and
> other forms of medicine and modalities. This is a knowledgeable group. OT
> really doesn't bother me; we can label it so and then it can be deleted by
> those not wanting to read a particular message.
> Or, I am also open to switching to IO.
> Thanks,
> Sally