I have some comments to make Joe,

Firstly to restate the measurements as written:

> Based on the typical 1.6us/PPM:
> The water tested at 5.8us or 3.6PPM
> Sample Cs-1 tested at 7.0 us or 4.4PPM
> Sample Cs-2 tested at 6.1 us or 3.8PPM

The relationship between uS reading and mg/L (ppm) is not only
slightly wrong (1.6 vs 1.74) but is inversed. It is not true that the
relationship is 1.6uS/ppm but rather 1.6ppm/uS, or rather, at infinite
dilution 1.74ppm/uS. To be absolutely correct, at 15ppm the
relationship is 1.77ppm/uS.

So you can see that the results if redone to 1.77ppm/uS are:

Sample 1...7.0uS = 12.39ppm
Sample 2...6.1uS = 10.8  ppm

However, as the water tested at 5.8uS I would subtract that from the
sample readings, which results in:

Sample 1...7.0 - 5.8 = 1.2uS  =  2.12ppm
Sample 2...6.1 - 5.8 = 0.3uS  =  0.53ppm

The distilled water reading is very high, as mentioned, but what
happens to the impurities during generation depends upon what the
impurities are. If they are metallic cations such as copper, calcium,
magnesium etc. they it is likely they will take no part in any
reaction, remain in solution and add to the total conductivity
reading. If they are anions such as chloride, dissolved CO2, etc, then
a reaction with the silver ions may occur. How this will affect the
reading is anybody's guess, as while most silver compounds are
insoluble (and therefore no longer affect the reading) many are
slightly soluble...

The reworked results as shown above are pretty much what I would
expect for given generating time (15 min) in distilled water with a
reading of 1uS.
With your set up I would expect 5ppm in about 35 mins, 10 ppm in 50
mins and 15 ppm in 60 mins, assuming the solution was stirred every 5
mins or so.

I believe it would be wise to limit the current to under 1mA, but if
you stir frequently then it is unlikely that you will reach this limit
before you reach 15 ppm.

Hope this helps,

----- Original Message -----
From: Joe Fleck <m...@magiclink.com>
To: <silver-list@eskimo.com>
Sent: Saturday, 13 November 1999 12:38
Subject: CS>[Fwd: Cs Samples - test results]

> Anyone want to comment on any of this. It's some test results and my
> reply. thanks...

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