Excellent technique.
Have you considered:
Buccal absorption of most substances into the bloodstream  is 4 to 10 times
faster and there is no HCL to form silver chloride.  I hold the sol in my
mouth until I forget about it.

James Osbourne Holmes
a/k/a *Red Pill Media*
American State National
*http://t <http://t>heamericanstatesassembly.net
h <http://annavonreitz.com>ttp://signinamerica.com

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On Mon, Dec 14, 2020 at 7:32 AM Ode Coyote <silverpuppy1...@gmail.com>

> Thing is, silver ions immediately form silver chloride on contact with
> stomach acid and silver chloride is almost insoluble, thus harder to absorb
> making it tough to get enough silver in there to get the job done. [Or
> maybe it does absorb, but is far less efficient as now it has to find a way
> to re-ionize ]
> Ions in the bloodstream seek out pathogens like soldiers on a mission, but
> don't "live" very long before becoming silver chloride in THAT
> location...but...they don't have to live long and dead ion killed pathogens
> shed ions to kill again.
>  Silver chloride also ionizes in the chemical soup [reinforcements
> returning from R&R ] and does it where it counts [vs doing nothing in the
> poop chute], but it's a slower process and not quite as efficient.
> *Tactic that worked for me:*  Treatment of UTI, obvious clearing of blood
> in urine, relief of severe burning and pain within 4 hours.
> 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of Baking Soda in about 1/2 cup water
> Drank it down, waited a few minutes.
> Follow that with "Silver Water" ....maybe a cup.
> Repeat now and then.
> *What that does:*
> The Baking Soda converts stomach acid into salt and carbon dioxide gas
> [BURP ! ]
> The salt absorbs into the blood making it "thirsty" for more water to
> flush the excess salt out with.
> Add "Silver Water" to satisfy the thirst....instant absorption [of ions]
> and little or no stomach acid to make "Silver Chloride"
> On Sun, Dec 13, 2020 at 10:13 AM James Osbourne Holmes <
> jamesosbournehol...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> It appears to me I lost track of things some time ago.
>> James Osbourne Holmes
>> a/k/a *Red Pill Media*
>> American State National
>> *http://t <http://t>heamericanstatesassembly.net
>> <http://theamericanstatesassembly.net/>*
>> http://annavonreitz.com
>> h <http://annavonreitz.com>ttp://signinamerica.com
>> This private email and any attachment(s) is covered by the Electronic
>> Communications Privacy Act, 18 USC 25-10-2521 and is for the sole use of
>> the intended recipient and contains privileged and/or confidential
>> information. No monitoring of my email or other means of surveillance,
>> electronic and otherwise, is permitted and I reserve all my rights, without
>> recourse and without prejudice, nunc pro tunc.  I do not consent to anyone
>> tampering with, altering or delaying any incoming or outgoing communication.
>> On Sun, Dec 13, 2020 at 7:42 AM <abela...@atlasnova.com> wrote:
>>> https://theartofmakingcolloidalsilver.com/ionic-versus-particulate/
>>> *From:* Phil Morrison <philmorrison...@gmail.com>
>>> *Sent:* Saturday, December 12, 2020 9:58 PM
>>> *To:* silver-list@eskimo.com
>>> *Subject:* CS>CS - Why CS Works Better
>>> Why CS works better than EIS
>>> https://purevon.com/effectiveness