Crisis actors? You a Trumper too? He got Covid and still got the vaccine
for himself and his whole family before he left the White House. Meanwhile
he almost never wore a mask in public and allowed his followers to die in
droves. He killed a lot of people by ignoring reality.

On Mon, Jul 26, 2021 at 8:18 AM Rick <> wrote:

> Cyndiann Phillips,
> Is like one of those engineered Crisis Actors that participates in the
> propaganda that the media is spreading. Cept she seems to be assigned to
> post here and repeat the lies we all know as scripts given to the talking
> heads.
> Isn't she due for a booster Covid shot by now?
> On Mon, Jul 26, 2021, 7:44 AM Cyndiann Phillips <>
> wrote:
>> Natural News lies all the time. Why would you believe anything on that
>> website?
>> I don't understand everyone's fascination with websites that
>> intentionally don't tell the truth. Are you willing to die for it? Thanks
>> to the unvaccinated we now have a stronger version of Covid than ever
>> before. There goes our summer! The next variant could be much worse.
>> On Mon, Jul 26, 2021 at 4:49 AM Phil Morrison <>
>> wrote: