. . . Now on anther matter . . . Firstly let me remind you of the old gangster 
term: a "Gangster's Moll", 

 the Silver list: <Silver-list@Eskimo.com> . . . .

has a virulent TROLL MOLL, who continuously, criticises and postulates and 
CENSORS against all who have an anti-vax opinion/leaning  . . . although this a 
list of "Colloidal Silver" users/makers/adherents . . . where I've been a 
member since 1997 with contributions . . . 

A gangsters Moll, a derogatory term not popular in today's PC re-structured 
world of Marxist Woke shenanigans -- the gangster's woman/girl/lover/friend -- 
assuming the gangster is male and not a homosexual and the Moll too being 
hetrosexual -- well, you know, etc . . . there must also be an homosexual 
version . . . .

Can I introduce a new but current fitting cultural term, the "TROLL Moll" of 
which the site is plagued . . . actually traditionally a feminine term, 
although we are free to use it for both genders -- as the male and female 
gender introduced to us in in our early life of moral guidance into 
Christian/Bible culture -- being now torn from us thru the forced inoculation 
of genderless pronouns, into a new "Borg-like" existence . . . or to that 
effect . . . 

My efforts so far may have been of no value or assistance, so here is my angle 
"how to cope" with TROLLS" again" and again and again . . . many of you all are 
so patient saints in fact . . .  this Troll person can't invade my mail space 
at all . . . .

Drop TROLLS into SPAM -- they then won't appear again on your email inbox .....
Simply tick the TROLL email and then TICK on SPAM icon at top of page . . 

Try it !!!! It works . . . . 

EASY PEASY . . . .
in SILvation,  dh