Thanks for the great description, Douglas!  I have been diligently marking 
every one of her emails as SPAM, but they are still stubbornly showing up.   


Hey, Douglas - since you've been around since 1997, do you remember about ten 
years ago there was a woman who was behaving remarkably similar to this one - 
rude, cantankerous, contrary.  Not contributing one iota to furthering 
discussions about the goals of this group which, as I understand it, primarily 
revolve around experimenting with options for addressing health issues that do 
not involve the pharmaceutical industry. 


I recall that she went on a rampage, attacking me, personally.  I no longer 
recall what set her off, but the woman was just awful.  I stayed away from the 
list for a couple of days (dishwasher broke - finding, buying and installing 
the new one took precedence ;-)), to find that she had really gone off the 
rails in my absence, and after several warnings, the list moderator kicked her 
out of the group. 


Recently, our new Troll mentioned she has been here for about ten 
years.......Is it possible this is the same person under a different moniker?  
She's sure behaving a lot like that last one.   





 From: "Douglas Haack" <> 

Date: Fri, Jul 30, 2021 2:06 am 

To: "Silver-List" <> 

Subject: CS>"Gangster's Moll", ANTI TRUTH MOLL . . . Censor Moll . . . 

 . . . Now on anther matter . . . Firstly let me remind you of the old gangster 
term: a "Gangster's Moll",    the Silver list: <> . . . . 
  has a virulent TROLL MOLL, who continuously, criticises and postulates and 
CENSORS against all who have an anti-vax opinion/leaning  . . . although this a 
list of "Colloidal Silver" users/makers/adherents . . . where I've been a 
member since 1997 with contributions . . .   A gangsters Moll, a derogatory 
term not popular in today's PC re-structured world of Marxist Woke shenanigans 
-- the gangster's woman/girl/lover/friend -- assuming the gangster is male and 
not a homosexual and the Moll too being hetrosexual -- well, you know, etc . . 
. there must also be an homosexual version . . . .   Can I introduce a new but 
current fitting cultural term, the "TROLL Moll" of which the site is plagued . 
. . actually traditionally a feminine term, although we are free to use it for 
both genders -- as the male and female gender introduced to us in in our early 
life of moral guidance into Christian/Bible culture -- being now torn from us 
thru the forced inoculation of genderless pronouns, into a new "Borg-like" 
existence . . . or to that effect . . .   My efforts so far may have been of no 
value or assistance, so here is my angle "how to cope" with TROLLS" again" and 
again and again . . . many of you all are so patient saints in fact . . .  this 
Troll person can't invade my mail space at all . . . .   Drop TROLLS into SPAM 
-- they then won't appear again on your email inbox .....   Simply tick the 
TROLL email and then TICK on SPAM icon at top of page . .     Try it !!!! It 
works . . . .   EASY PEASY . . . .   in SILvation,  dh