Neville, it mutated faster because of people spreading it so fast and that
happens when you don't think it's real, when you don't wear masks, when you
don't stay away from people and when you don't get the vaccine.

I'm not provax in any sense of the word. This is the first shot I've gotten
in 20+ years and with good reason. My chances of living increased greatly
when I took the vaccine. There is no doubt about that. It got as close as
right in my face when my 86 year old neighbor caught it and I went over his
house to give him money I made for him by selling his pecans from his tree.
He was obviously sick at the time, coughing and sneezing and that was the
last time I saw him.

Christmas time, he spent his last one on a ventilator and died right after.

If you don't do what it takes to stop the spread you are being selfish,
it's not about rights. It's about doing what is right to stop killing and
maiming people. Long haulers are real.

On Fri, Jul 30, 2021 at 9:11 AM Neville Munn <> wrote:

> Yep, you're right.  That's where this COVID-19 name came from some
> brainchild, the Coronavirus, i.e. 'CO' refers to CORONA, 'VI' refers to
> virus, 'D' refers to Disease, and '19' is the year it was named.  I
> remember when this shyte first started they called it 'NOVEL', but NOVEL
> means new, that's why they had to stop calling it NOVEL.  There's the
> giveaway, it's not new, it was the stock standard C'rona virus, but
> bioengineered, example for one, MERS, engineered and able to infect humans,
> like the Avian Flu, the Swine Flu etc, it's been spliced, hence covid19.
> Like this "Delta" bs variant "they" go on about, variant is doublespeak, it
> just means it's mutated, as it does every year, or probably every second
> day for all I know, and I don't care.
> N.
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Ode Coyote <>
> *Sent:* Friday, 30 July 2021 10:38 PM
> *To:* <>
> *Subject:* Re: CS>Covid DOES NOT Exist -- is Flu type A -- NO Pure Virus
> "Flu" is caused by a virus. COVID-19 is ALSO a Flu virus [of the common
> Corona variety] of many different ones....a bit more contagious...a
> bit more risky than most, but a flu none-the-less.
> On Fri, Jul 30, 2021 at 4:55 AM Douglas Haack <>
> wrote:
> *I have been trying to find this video -- now here it is -- the FAKE Covid
> Virus DOES Not EXIST -- CDC has admitted such . . . *
> *BANNED from YOUTUBE* Lab Analysis at 7 Universities Shows NO Covid . . .
> <>
> /.  .  . . . Dr. Rob Oswald Phd: "Officially COVID-19 it's a flu and NOT a
> virus" . . . .
> “I have a PhD in virology and immunology. I'm a clinical lab scientist and
> have tested 1500 "supposed" positive Covid 19 samples collected here in S.
> California. When my lab team and I did the testing through Koch's
> postulates and observation under a SEM (scanning