
I follow and agree with what you say here. But why not just delete the posters that you personally dont want to read?   I see the names, its easy.   How nice it would be if in church we could hit the delete button!   I could delete 'self' and attain enlightenment!  My point was that a whole group shouldn't run away from one poster they dont like.   It would happen again and again....then where do you draw the line?   Intolerant cancel culture is like a dark wave sweeping the world.



On 8/4/2021 1:19 AM, Tony Moody wrote:

On 2021/08/03 21:07, Max wrote:

So what if Cyndiann called me a troll and stupid for not getting the vaccine?  Ive got a huge body of evidence to the contrary.   Evidence which is compelling and powerful information to others interested in the pandemic and etiology and treatment of other corona virus induced disease. Info bombs are dropped daily by experts like Peter McCullough and Robert Malone.  The vaccination coup is on the verge of coming undone.   We will witness the resulting political turmoil

How does it change your mental outlook if you knew (thought experiment) that Cyndiann was 8 years old?  Would an 8 year old cause the whole group to abandon ship?  Ask what is the real value of increased moderation and restriction?



Hallo Max,

Yes, in answer to your question. Something would happen to the 8-year-old, and to its parents, to get it to change its unacceptable, challenging  behaviour,

If we were in church or the supermarket, a classroom or at home in the dining-room for instance and the disagreeable 8-year created havoc, there would be an overwhelming consensus call for some sort of control of the situation. If the parents could not control the child then sanctions by the group would be applied. The parents and their child would not be welcome, not allowed in there until "it learns some manners", would be banished until things improved. Parental and peer pressure would be applied. If the parents could not teach the child, could not reach the child, could not get through to the child, then we would perhaps be advising and looking at something drastic which needed to be done. Some sort of institutionalisation, or sedation or medication.  Some form of appropriate sanctioning or corrective behaviour.

If there is no corrective intervention those systems will collapse; for instance the church congregation will disappear because no one can put up with a brat continuously and people would rather not go to church. etc etc. _Or_ the congregation learns to cope with a screaming, farting kid. The congregation is encouraged to put up with it and to listen to the sermon and sing the hymns and psalms, despite.

The *real value of the **moderation and restriction* is that that _precious space_ can then continue to be used as it should, as a holy space or a quiet, or an educational, or a sociable, or a creative, productive place. _On the other hand_; playgrounds, backyards, open fields, the beach are suitable, appropriate, approved  places for letting go, running around and making a noise, like seagulls in a feeding frenzy.

OK, Tony