One of my favorite doctors and educators, Dr Syed Mobeen, looks at vaxxed vs unvaxxed.  It appears to me deaths are about 24 times higher in the unvaxxed.

Thats not enough data for me to go get vaccinated though.  The average age of death in any case is about the same as the average lifespan. Also the data counted totally vaccinated but for less than two weeks as unvaccinated.  Other data shows a spike in deaths soon after being vaccinated, as it seems to reduce your immunity in some way.  Dr Mobeen also notes that if Ivermectin were used there would be few deaths in the unvaccinated as well.

Also, the vaccine efficiency is quickly reducing, and is reported as low as 48%.  This means, and it is well publicized, that Pharma is happily gearing up for 'top up' vaccines, which may be yearly or even twice yearly.  Naturally derived immunity appears more robust, which is logical.  Then there is the issue of antibody disease enhancement, so the vaccinated may have a worse response to future illness.

Also, 25% to 75% of deaths occur to people living in long term care facilities.  The lesson may be to keep out of long care facilities and dont grow old.  I guess If I was living in one, and wanted to squeeze the most days out of my miserable life, I might choose to vaccinate.

Regarding the rise in cases in florida and the southern states and the media spin on this, one has to compare the stringency of lockdown and the vaccination rate.

for example

Take a look at pages 16, 21 and 22.  I dont see large differences in either disease severity or even lockdown stringency.  I dont see a correlation of lockdown stringency to the epidemic curve. One can do this for vaccination rate also.  Florida is about 25th out of 50 states.  It would be very hard to make the argument that an unusually low vaccination rate was responsible for the wave in Florida.


On 8/16/2021 2:25 AM, Cyndiann Phillips wrote:
Geographical yes! It's mostly red states, places where people won't get vaccinated. Pay attention!

This is what you all are causing. <>

On Sun, Aug 15, 2021 at 11:39 PM Max < <>> wrote:

    Anyone interested in the truth must find the list of vaccination
    rate and lockdown stringency  and compare this to cases and
    deaths.  The news piece cited below tries to spin the story but
    the effect of increased cases appears to be geographical, for
    whatever reason, and has no relation to vaccination rate of
    lockdown stringency.  I have looked at this data

    Someone said;  theres only two types of people in the world; those
    who have had covid, and those who are going to get covid.   We
    will see how that plays out for New Zealand.  But the normal
    situation is for respiratory viruses to become more infectious but
    less deadly, so the zero covid countries may actually save some
    lives in the long run.  However, vaccination is driving the
    evolution of variants.  This is good news for big pharma, who
    stand to make billions on bi annual covid vaccinations


    On 8/15/2021 4:07 PM, Cyndiann Phillips wrote:
    Here you go! I know you all love Youtube videos. <>

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