Precisely why I refuse to get a flu shot ;o)
-----Original Message-----
From: Kristie's PhotoLab <>
To: <>
Date: Tuesday, November 16, 1999 7:52 PM
Subject: CS>vaccines

>I have been told by competent authorities, such as Dr. Eva Snead that
>many vaccines contain live virus material.  In addition to the ones that
>the vaccine is being designed for there are "ride along" viruses which
>the CDC has refused to require testing for, which cause many health
>problems.  Also, vaccines contain formaldehyde, and antibiotics, and
>other harmful chemicals.  When a generation ago they started vaccinating
>they did not have all the harmful chemicals in the vaccines, nor did
>they have the virus material in such large concentrations.   Now
>children vaccinated are at risk for brain damage or worse from the
>vaccines.  My 17 yo daughter has never been vaccinated for anything, is
>her class valedictorian, and healthier than anyone I know.  The fact
>that viruses mutate is a good reason to not vaccinate as we do not get
>"protection" from the mutated forms anyway.  It should be pointed out
>that any protection offered by vaccines is theoretical, and largely
>disputed by competent authorites.
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