Im well aware of the PCR scandal and the claims there is no isolation per Koch postulates.  I have watched so many videos of the different claims, like everyone else.

If the argument that there is no sars cov 2 virus is true and that it is only the flu, then there is no reason to search for laboratory gain of function.  Nobel winner Luc Montangier's concern that HIV may have been inserted would be dismissed.

Moreover, there are clinical pictures that are unique.  High altitude like hypoxia,  long covid. Long covid may be similar to vaccine injury.   If we say there is no virus, then there is no reason to treat long covid or injury due to covid spike protein

isolating the virus appears to be a complex issue.  You cant isolate it per Kotch postulates because it requires a living being to complete a life cycle, its not an independent living organism.

Qualified people like Yeadon and Robert Malone, who are against the mainstream covid narrative, believe there is a sars cov 2 virus.  The disease etiology may involve more than one virus or microbe.  But the sequencing of genomes probably has validity, as far as it goes.

Dr Martin lays out an argument that Pfizer and other companies made patents on gene sequences related to sars cov 2.   This would be strong evidence in court to indite big pharma criminals over pre planned profiteering from a pandemic and vaccine.   But when we say there is no such a thing as sars cov 2,  Dr Martins work is immediately moot and invalid.

I think you people are barking up the wrong tree.


On 8/26/2021 11:58 AM, Elizabeth Williams wrote:
*From:* Diane Mackey <>
*Sent:* Thursday, August 26, 2021 1:57 PM
*To:* <>
*Subject:* Re: CS>natural immunity superior to vaccine
There is no test for variants, any more than there was a reliable test for CV-19!

On Thu, Aug 26, 2021 at 2:30 PM Elizabeth Williams < <>> wrote:

    The fda has stated that the pcr test is faulty so all of this was
    built on a faulty test, they never actually isolated c-19 and they
    have no test that tells them of a difference of varients. This
    whole pile was built on faulty test, statistics and most
    importantly bucket loads of fake fear. it is the flu.
    *From:* siriusley13 <
    *Sent:* Thursday, August 26, 2021 1:18 PM
    *To:* <>
    < <>>
    *Subject:* Re: CS>natural immunity superior to vaccine
    I have to ask again about any stats and numbers at all, based on
    what test and what exactly was found? If we forget that bottom
    line we enter the maze of lies upon lies
    On Aug 26, 2021, 11:32 AM -0600, Max <
    <>>, wrote: