I have been detoxing heavy metals with activated powdered charcoal. Taking all 
the vitamins...and the colloidal silver daily..spray up into my nostrils when I 
go out. I am 70 and I have not even had a sniffle and I refuse to wear a face 
diaper. On twitter they are posting constantly of people dying from the 
    On Tuesday, August 31, 2021, 03:13:34 PM EDT, pal joey <ajr...@gmail.com> 
 I sincerely hope you are correct, because we all have family members who have 
been duped to take the immune system destroying,  experimental gene therapy. 
(The EGT IS THEIR DESCRIPTION NOT MINE) UP until 2 months ago, Moderna was 
bragging about it as the "software of life", a mrna set of instructions that is 
uploaded with each shot. From what I'm seeing , it doesn't even offer 
protection from "covid", nor does it guard against future various strains.  But 
it makes your own innate immune system dysfunctional, and generates bloodclots. 
So, I'll take my chances without, because I have a long history of repeated 
success with mega doses of vitamin c.  Orthomolecular medicine proscribes 
titrating to bowel tolerance,  large enough amounts of vitamin c to create a 
drug like effect, and it has never failed to cure this kind of problem.  I take 
5,000 mgs at the first sign, and 5,000 mgs each half hour,  until, usually at 
hour 5-6, I get the upper hand, then lessen the dose as I need to. And BTW, 
Fauci and friends all know this. I would not be surprised to learn that they do 
it too.