Really, it comes down to credibility.  Because of the corruption I witness
from your sources, I don't believe 99 % of what they say.   NPR  would have
us believe that Amish people are winking at each other at the clinic, while
getting the clotshot on the sly. But  for me, that exemplifies NPR s creepy
innuendo, providing influence to the gullible,  but nothing credible. This
is why we're at this place; you believe the bullshitters and we see through
the bullshit. I've see modernas own description of their experimental gene
therapy , bragging about it as "the software of life",   (Until they
revised it to imply its a "vaccine ")and multiple statements from varied
official sources that its experimental, AUTHORIZED, BUT NOT APPROVED, with
my own eyes,  to know without a doubt, that its not a "vaccine ", no matter
how many times its call that. First there were multiple warnings about what
damage the EGT would do, and now there are multiple reports that it is
happening,  as well as my own personal knowledge of deaths and injuries
from it, to make a solid decision that its something to avoid,  especially
when there are so many other valid options.  Really, the EGT is  designed
for the gullible, uniformed , authority worshipping numbskulls, because
they're too busy to learn how to help themselves.