Robert Becker did the seminal experiments on silver for regeneration and cancer.  As I recall, voltage is also involved. But heres the thing;  cancer is probably not caused by a lack of silver.  To correct cancer, a comprehensive approach may be required.  Ive tried to treat cancer with silver, electrotherapy, herbs of all kinds, vitamins and more.   I wasnt successful, except for the use of black salve, and even that backfired with more aggressive cancer return.   Im not saying you wont be successful using silver, Im saying if anybody is fighting cancer, you should really work at it from all angles, starting with diet and elimination of toxins.

Best of luck


On 9/22/2021 5:24 PM, Williams wrote:
I heard (from a reliable source) drinking a couple of quarts of CS per day 
kills cancer cells.
didn't get all the info.  This is a miracle breakthrough, or a cruel hoax.  
Anyone had any experience with CS and Cancer?

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