Trumps spiritual advisor so called Rev. Robert Jeffress advised his huge 
church to take Trumps wicked vaccine too. Trump put Betsy DeVos in power she 
signed on with the vile UN for the education of our children...Wilbur Ross was 
a Rothschild lawyer. Trump is just as big of a POS as the rest of them. Clapped 
like a trained seal for Hillary and Bill at his inauguration luncheon...nice 
way to lock her up huh? He is not warning of the deaths from his damn warp 
speed TRUMPCINE he is telling people to take it ..its a good thing.
    On Friday, September 24, 2021, 05:44:15 PM EDT, Max <> 
 if Trump is the catalyst for entire swaths of people to abandon reason 
and become blind to data, our civilization is and has been a complete 
farce and can only be described as insane. How can our species survive? 
How can people carry on daily tasks?

Imagine a ship full of stark raving mad lunatics. Every four years they 
elect new overlords from two opposing camps of lunatics.    How long can 
this ship of lunatics roam the dangerous stormy oceans? Once upon a time 
our ship of lunatics had a narcissistic low life real estate tycoon as 
overlord.  Many thought he was the greatest- ever leader of mankind.  
His second in command was an evangelical who believes that the faithful  
will be lifted into the air to the height of the clouds and mingle with 
Jesus and enjoy everlasting life, supposedly even if they started a 
global nuclear war.   Yes, not only the overlords, but vast swaths of 
the people are this crazy. Then they conspire to throw overboard select 
ones they deem crazy.

On 9/24/2021 12:02 PM, pal joey wrote:
>  I think the Demonrat political machine was so good at ginning up the 
> hate for DJT and his supporters,  that its become an addiction, and a 
> password to be in the "club". Yes, oddly enough, they are pro EGT, aka 
> as "vaccine", but their leadership had a lot to do with that.  But I 
> just saw a quote, something like this: Those who support the mandates 
> would be 100% against it, if DJT mandated it; But the people who are 
> against it now, would be against it either way.  Its the emotions of 
> fear and hate that are driving their obsession, and refusal to accept 
> additional information.  It's not just our resident vax zombie . I'm 
> seeing this in my own 2 younger sons, friends and family of people I 
> know.  The media has learned to push their buttons. This list has 
> multiple effective prevention and treatment options, all geared to 
> help us to -not- become a burden to hospitals and Healthcare, and 
> everyone offers to share any thing they know, and yet she cusses 
> everyone for doing what we've always done-even before and since this 
> scam started.

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