My PCP has been very helpful in our quest to avoid The Shots and use preventive 
measures to build our immunity, as I've discussed in previous posts. 


I have just received word that he has been told by the state medical board that 
he can no longer prescribe Ivermectin for preventive maintenance.  He must be 
able to show a documented case of Covid-19, and THEN he can prescribe!  If he 
deters from this, he is risking investigation and other sanctions, including 
possibly losing his MD license. 


It's not just Ivermectin, though.  Apparently, word has gone out that 
N-Acetylcysteine - approved in 1968, another WHO Essential Medicine, and 
available OTC for decades - is also being restricted.  Amazon has pulled all 
product from its website; my main source is out of stock on everything. 


With that in mind, I'm ramping up our ability to make MMS, and have questions: 

 Are the flakes used for pool sanitation safe to use in the "recipe?"  I know 
they have to be diluted A LOT, but I'm looking for a source for the Sodium 
Chlorite I've only watched one video so far, and he talks about "TARE" and 
needing a gram scale.  He's also very specific about storage and mixing, not 
using any metal, etc. I'm also ramping up on Colloidal Silver.  Hope to visit 
with Ode Coyote when we're through NC in the next month or so, to pick up his 
stuff, see what we already have that we can use, and just do some learning. 


Whatever your feeling about The Shot, we should all be very upset that 
bureaucrats are interfering at the level that our PCPs are being threatened for 
using safe, approved drugs with long histories for off-label purposes.   


The more this goes on, the more I'm leaning toward believing those conspiracy 
theories our resident Troll keeps bashing.   

