He's right, you know........

On Sun, Oct 17, 2021 at 5:47 PM Greg Kentwell <> wrote:

> To be honest, I thought you were joking, so didn’t give it another
> thought. If you seriously believe this, then they successfully brainwashed
> you. I hope this is not the case.
> Regards,
> Greg
> On 18 Oct 2021, at 9:48 am, Mary Scholer <> wrote:
> Is there anyone else out there thinking like me?
> Mary
> On Sun, Oct 17, 2021 at 4:17 PM Mary Scholer <> wrote:
>> The media and the medical system must comply with the mass extermination
>> of humans, the only answer to climate change.
>> Mary
>> On Sun, Oct 17, 2021 at 3:47 PM Rick <> wrote:
>>> Cyndiann,
>>> It seems like you are listening to actual liars and believing their lies
>>> (Fauci, Gates, CDC, FDA, etc). Don't you know that only a few men
>>> financially own ALL the mass media (news), big tech (social media like
>>> Youtube)(apps like Instagram, WhatsApp, Twitter, etc.), all the products
>>> you buy even...and those media sources ALL get the SAME information to pass
>>> on through their platform, word for word even. If you are able to scan the
>>> news across the country you can hear the script word for word. You can see
>>> this too when a Truther puts together a collage video and shows this so
>>> clearly. It sounds like that Breck shampoo commercial
>>> Different stations around
>>> the country saying word for word what they've all been given to say.
>>> Sure, people like the self-called Health Ranger has his own website. And
>>> allows others to post their content, even the inventor of mRNA and other
>>> well known, well medically published individuals, including interviews with
>>> more people like this whose knowledge and experience can not be said to be
>>> untrue, false, or what the media likes to call "misinformation" while at
>>> the same time saying the script they've been given which is full of
>>> "misinformation". This is what you listen to which is just one side of the
>>> story. The other side is the doctors who are independent who do not work
>>> for a hospital or medical group, and who are treating and interacting with
>>> these patients in the best interest of their health.
>>> And who else better than to tell of their health immediately following
>>> these shots (1st) or after the (2nd) or Booster. But all those people don't
>>> get aired by the national news because of mass censorship and it not towing
>>> the official storyline. The same goes for the doctors treating the
>>> vaccinated.
>>> The whistleblowers are coming out like no one's business even with
>>> threats to their lives because they can no longer in good conscience
>>> continue living the lies and practicing the mandates they've been given
>>> while people die or their health deteriorates after the Covid shots. They
>>> simply can't morally continue. If they are religious, they know they will
>>> be judged for knowingly practicing the ill will of their bosses rather than
>>> practicing actual medicine. What many in hospitals are doing now is
>>> pretending to treat patients but not for their health but towards a
>>> negative outcome by using toxic drugs that will not help, only harm people.
>>> This is what Faucci did with AZT during the Aids Epidemic. He is doing
>>> it now with Remdesivir and with Covid shots they are calling vaccines that
>>> do not function like vaccines at all.
>>> Israel the most "Covid Vaccinated" country on earth right now has all
>>> vaccinated people in hospitals and every time they do the shots more get
>>> sick and go to hospital but they are told that it isn't from the vaccine
>>> just like they tell people here. They say that because it is part of the
>>> script for medical professionals working in the hospital not to blame the
>>> shot with the sickness.
>>> I can continue for the next hour or so, but I will stop now because the
>>> point is made. I just wish you could open your mind and use it to
>>> understand why we are sharing all those links even to NIH and PubMed, the
>>> Vaeers Adverse Vaccine Database, even occasionally the Yellow Card Database
>>> in the U.K. because they back up what we've been sharing here.
>>> At first, I thought to continue to ignore you but I had a change of
>>> heart.
>>> Ok, I'm ready for your attack and belittling. Go ahead and make me go
>>> back to ignoring you if that is what you want. No problemo. Or we can
>>> coexist here without drama, confrontation, and negative words.
>>> On Sun, Oct 17, 2021 at 2:58 PM Max <> wrote:
>>>> Dr Peter McCullough shows the data proving vaccine failure
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